Wedding Reception Forum

Keeping children entertained

So, I made up a coloring book for the kids invited to the wedding.... its got puzzles and mazes and a really short "wedding" story and lots and lots to color for all ages.  Everything from Elmo and Mickey to Superman and Wolverine.   Each child will get an 8 pack of crayons and a pencil.  Its 5x7 and it ended up being 36 pages (without the cover)

So, is this enough?  I was wondering if maybe a slinky or maybe a small box of legos....

Advice please?

Re: Keeping children entertained

  • We had children and didn't supply anything for them.  They seemed pretty darn happy and entertained.  I've never seen children have an issue entertaining themselves at a wedding- they get to dance, eat lots of cake, and have some freedom from the adults.  I think you're over thinking this.

    May 2013 February Siggy: Invitations


    Wedding Countdown Ticker

  • melb2013 said:
    We had children and didn't supply anything for them.  They seemed pretty darn happy and entertained.  I've never seen children have an issue entertaining themselves at a wedding- they get to dance, eat lots of cake, and have some freedom from the adults.  I think you're over thinking this.

    Ditto.  Parents will bring things if they feel their children will be bored.  That said, I've never seen bored kids at weddings.  Don't overthink this.
  • I think that sounds like plenty. At most weddings I attend, kids are perfectly happy just bustin' a move on the dance floor :)
  • Good parents pack a small bag with things to entertain their child if he/she needs to be entertained.

    Please don't worry about it!


  • melb2013 said:
    We had children and didn't supply anything for them.  They seemed pretty darn happy and entertained.  I've never seen children have an issue entertaining themselves at a wedding- they get to dance, eat lots of cake, and have some freedom from the adults.  I think you're over thinking this.

    This.  We had kids at our wedding and supplied them with nothing to "keep them entertained."  Even if we did it would have been a waste because they were having a blast dancing all night long.

  • What you have is plenty. It can entertain them at the wedding or act as a "kid favor". Sounds cute! Don't worry about the children... That's the parents' job.
  • itzMS said:

    Good parents pack a small bag with things to entertain their child if he/she needs to be entertained.

    Please don't worry about it!


     Good parents do.... bad parents do not.  I am more worried about the "waiting" time where there is no music or much of anything else for the younger ones to do (IE: Wedding party toasts, first dance/father daughter dance... etc.  I would rather take time to worry a little now, than to have the wedding remembered at "gosh, remember how awful those bratty kids were?"  Its all well and good to assume that the parents will be prepared, but I would rather not assume on such an important day.  *shrugs*  Guess not everyone one thinks that way. 

  • OP, you're right. Some parents don't care if their kids will be bored or not. And after several hours, even the activities their parents do bring gets boring. But, I promise you, the good kids will figure out ways to entertain themselves... the bratty kids will be bratty even if you offer a hundred different activities.
  • OP, you're right. Some parents don't care if their kids will be bored or not. And after several hours, even the activities their parents do bring gets boring. But, I promise you, the good kids will figure out ways to entertain themselves... the bratty kids will be bratty even if you offer a hundred different activities.
    So very true!!!

  • I can assure you that there will be tablets present.  Every child I know over the age of 2 has their own tablet I swear.
  • We got clear "paint cans" from michaels and filled them with little things for each child. Individual size goldfish and fruit snack packs, sticker books, slinky, Legos, veils for the girls.... Anything that we knew they would like. We basically just checked the spot at target and the check out lines at old navy and michaels in the months leading up to the wedding. The goodies inside were all about $1... We also printed off a page that said "draw a picture of the bride and groom" (had crayons in their can). They all did it and we kept them to place them in the guest book.

    We didn't do it because I was afraid that they would be bored or misbehave, or that their parents would come unprepared, but what kid doesn't like getting an unexpected goodie bag?? I knew they

    Pictures are of the can and of our niece playing with hers at the end of the table (we did a u-shaped configuration) :) they're just from my phone so sorry for the poor quality!
  • What you have is fine. It's not your responsibility to keep other people's children entertained. They don't have others providing entertainment for them when they go out other places, so your wedding should be no different. 
    What did you think would happen if you walked up to a group of internet strangers and told them to get shoehorned by their lady doc?~StageManager14
  • Great idea, if you can you can even create a kids corner if you want to make it special for the kids.
    You want your guests to relax and enjoy your wedding not spend their time looking after their kids. Everyone values different elements so if something special for the kids is important to you go for it!
  • lizardbug said:
    Great idea, if you can you can even create a kids corner if you want to make it special for the kids.
    You want your guests to relax and enjoy your wedding not spend their time looking after their kids. Everyone values different elements so if something special for the kids is important to you go for it!
    Um, pretty sure that it is the parents responsibility to look after their own kids, not the bride and groom.

  • I think your coloring book idea is great.

    My awesome late MIL was an elementary school teacher and mother of 7 very well behaved kids.  There was no messing around in that house with so many kids.  Everyone sat through Mass from the time they were babies and knew that you didn't misbehave in church.

    That being said, she detested children being stuck in situations where they were expected to act like adults.  She called me prior to our wedding and asked if she could set up a few things in the corner for all the kids so that they could enjoy themselves and have their own little area after dinner.  I said "go for it" and all my guests adored the idea of their kids having something to do and being able to watch them at the same time.  We literally got tons of compliments on it.  Since then, we have done that at open houses and the 1 DD's wedding where kids were invited.  We made little "goody treat bags" for them at her wedding and also set up a corner where they could play and hang out.  I thought it went incredibly well.
  • Love the idea! We are doing something similar for our wedding, but nothing custom. That sounds really cute! I think coloring should be enough, but adding small, cheap toys couldnt hurt (as long as there are no choking hazards). 

    Are the kids all around the same age? Or are there any that may be too young or too old for just coloring? We have a child coming to our wedding who is still a little too young for coloring (will be several days shy of a year and tries to eat everything). Her parents are bringing things for her to do, but we wanted her to be included, so my mother is making a her a bag with cheap toys she can't choke on like a rubber duck. 
  • Even though bratty kids will be bratty no matter what, the couple has no responsibility to provide entertainment for kid guests, and they are the responsibility of their parents (all of which I agree with), I think it doesn't hurt anything to consider their needs and provide some entertainment for them.

    Weddings aren't always, but can be, very boring for kids, especially when they're not in the wedding party, so providing something for them to enjoy can give them (and their parents) some relief.
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