OK, so I recently got engaged, this was probably one of the most amazingly wonderful days in my life. It's something that every girl dreams of and when it's finally your day you feel like life is really just beginning. The next step is the planning of your REALLY big day, the wedding/ceremony. Lots of stress, lots of tears, lots of smiles and with a little luck not to may gotchas on the BIG DAY, right?
At the beginning stages of planning my wedding I'm so frustrated that I feel like giving up. I am a pre-op transgendered woman, I very, very rarely tell anyone that I am not 'officially' a woman, but as with anything sometimes you can just guess and your guess would be correct. Because Utah doesn't believe in giving everyone, including post-op transgendered women or men, the same rights you're kind of just stuck.
The unwillingness of business here, people and the like in planning for MY big day has been shocking. I have a great career, lots of friends and man that I love with all my heart and he loves me as well. So getting this type of feedback even here as been like WOW.
Sorry I'm venting, I just am so frustrated and not sure what to do.