I'm newly engaged, and so am in the very beginning phases of planning what will ultimately probably be a smallish, intimate, offbeat kind of wedding...not a huge gala event, more down-home,simple, DIY, the sort of thing that's mostly tailored to us and informal but with a few traditional elements that are important to us.
My dilemma is that I can't do any of the things that are the first things you're supposed to do to get the ball rolling. I know that where/when/what the budget is needs to be nailed down in order to move on. I can't choose a location or date, because those are both dependent upon the outcome of the military billet my fiance, a Navy Chief, recently put in for. If gets the billet, it will be a 1-3 year assignment, so we'll move. Our wedding will be one city (our current one), or another (the location of the billet), and they are 600-ish miles apart. Until I know if we will be moving, I won't know what our timeline is, what our location will be, OR what our budget will be (if we move, I'll be leaving my current job, and our household income will change a bit).
My question is, what CAN I do to start getting some things prepared without these key pieces of information? Anything? Or just sit back and enjoy being engaged? We are both slightly older than average for a first marriage (I'm 36, he's 40), and we are both excited to get this moving as soon as possible, but are caught up in the typical military hurry up and wait routine. Any advice on little things I can do while I wait on the biggie information?