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NWR: my coworker has my "phone" and i'm going crazy

So... I am doing a lot of Android testing at work, and a coworker needed to take screenshots on one of our devices.  It doesn't have a data plan, so there's a big glaring red ERROR icon at the top. I'm the only one in our general area who has an Android phone, so I stuck my SIM card in it to get rid of the error so he could do the screenshots. My actual phone is, obviously, out of commission until he's finished.  He's has it for over an hour.

Guys.... I CANNOT SURVIVE WITH OUT IT. I rarely get text messages, but I'm paranoid the ONE time i'll get something inappropriate, it will pop up on while in his possession. 

I haven't done an ounce of work since he walked away with it. I've just been lurking all the nest/knot boards to keep myself sane.

Oh. My. God. I am going crazy.

Re: NWR: my coworker has my "phone" and i'm going crazy

  • lol, not having your phone is the worst! If I walk out without it I just feel like my pocket is empty and I am a bit more anxious than usual until I have it on my person again :-) Good luck with that!
  • I left my phone at work last night. For awhile, I was twitchy, but then I realized how nice it was not to feel pulled away from my husband for an inconsequential text message or call all night.
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  • I ended up getting it back shortly after this post haha it was just so weird to not be connected. I don't really have any social media apps on my phone so I am not glued to it, but I still like having it  with me at all times.  It's like a security blanket lol

    I don't think I could survive if I left my phone overnight at work. It's my alarm clock, and I would feel so lost without it. My whole routine would be off.
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