Knottie Tech Help

Why is the Website & picture uploading is soooooooo slow?

Why is it when I am trying to upload pictures to my website on here it is sooooooo slow???

Re: Why is the Website & picture uploading is soooooooo slow?

  • Because TK doesn't have the greatest software out there. I would switch before you start having real problems. There are plenty of posts that websites have gone down and never come back up, online RSVPs never going through, and countless other problems. I know a couple of posters switched to weebly and a few other sites. I suggest those.


  • It also may be the file size or type of file you are using. If you have any questions you can try our Contact Customer Service at or call Mon-Thurs 6am-7pm PST and Fri 6am - 6pm PST at 877-335-5252.
  • I tried to make a website here. I was never able to upload a picture and it had nothing to do with file size.


  • I was going to ask this same question! I am unable to upload any of the pictures I've tried. This needs to be addressed. I would use a different website but my invites have already been printed with this websites info!
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