For you ladies who share a budget with your SO, let's chat. DH and I are slowly working through our differences, but sometimes it's maddening. Here's a short version of where we stand:
Me: Prior to DH, always lived paycheck to paycheck, with debt (credit card and student loans). Now that we DON'T live paycheck to paycheck, I want to pay off all our debts asap.
DH: Always smart with money, didn't have to pay for college, incurred no debt beyond houses and cars. He feels like he has worked hard and shouldn't have to watch the money he spends. On the other hand, he hates all the debt we have (mostly incurred by me circa 1999-2004). To make things more awesome, his ex-wife controlled every penny he spent, so I think he also resists anything that looks like control.
We finally started a account and have a good plan going forward. Our credit cards (in the five figures) will be paid off by June. But it was a bit of a battle to get there, and compromise was huge in the resolution.
Tell me about where you're at and how you got there (and does it get better? We've had joint accounts for about two years now).
"You are made of win." -SopChick
Still here and still fabulous!