Hi all,
I am ten days away from my wedding. Hair person fell through- she decided that it would be too far to drive. I'm pretty stressed (had other issues but we fixed them- now the hair).
I want to try and do it myself, but I am not very savvy with hair at all. I have a picture of what I am going for. Does anyone know what that type of braid is called? Are there any how-to steps/videos I could find that will help me learn how to do this? I know how to kind of french braid, but only down the back.
Also, I know that the side ponytail would need to be curled- does anyone know what brands to look at for hair spray that isn't hard or sticky that I could use on the curls/braid?
Any help I could get I would really appreciate it- In the end I hope I just don't end up looking dumb. I have the same hair length as the girl in the picture, so I'm hoping it would work.