
Happy Tuesday!

Gm everyone!  Today I pick up my dress from the shop from being steamed, everyone gets their tuxes, and I get the chargers from the rentals place....busy busy!  It's about 5 below here, sunny, and the snow is gorgeous.  Let's hope it stays!!
August Siggy Challenge- Wedding Must Have - sleigh cake stand Bio updated 04/05/10.

Re: Happy Tuesday!

  • jrsygrl10jrsygrl10 member
    edited December 2011
    have fun!!

    we picked my dress up over the weekend-it's been hanging from the ceiling fan at home in all it's glory. we're wrapping up the last few projects tonight after work and we should be done. tomorrow i'm getting my nails done and hoping to finally relax and enjoy the moments. rehearsal is thursday @ 2!
  • edited December 2011
    Good Morning! It is super windy here today, which makes it feel even colder. But I am thankful it is not 5 below! Smile

    Yay for 4 days Bri!!
  • edited December 2011
    Morning!  I'm back in the office today and it is freeeeezing here too!

    We had a nice holiday with the ILs, but I was so ready to leave on Saturday, lol.  We had an incredibly long trip home yesterday - so much traffic and construction - it took us 7 hours.  Miserable!  Thank goodness it is our last time traveling for a long while!

    Bri, you are so close!  Enjoy the final plans this week!
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  • edited December 2011
    Oh wow Bri and Jrs!  You guys are so close!!  Are you excited!!??  I can only imagine what's going through your minds right now!
  • jrsygrl10jrsygrl10 member
    edited December 2011
    i dont know what's going through bri's mind, but i'm feeling like a crazy person! my mind is in 20 different places at the same time! for the first time in a year i am falling in to bed and sleeping like a rock. i wake up in the same position i fell asleep in!

    i stopped in at the lemont last night to drop something off to the banquet manager and was taken aback by how pretty it looked with all of their xmas decorations. it put me in a much better mood and made me excited all over again! yayyy!

    (ps: had to change my sn and ditch jennybean. but i couldn't bear to be away from the january girls during this week, so i've returned for a short bit)
  • edited December 2011
    jrsy, I didn't know who you were at first!

    Time has flown; I cannot believe you are getting married this week!

    Has it been chaotic with Christmas and the wedding? I can't shower was right after Christmas and that was enough chaos for me :)

    If I don't "see" you on here before your big days, ladies, have a ton of fun! I expect to see photos next week to keep me entertained at home!
  • edited December 2011

    Ahh, Jrsygrl. I thought you were a newb who didn't introduce herself, and that is why I didn't comment on your upcoming wedding. Sorry! I am so excited for both of you ladies- the time is almost here finally!!

  • edited December 2011
    oh woe.  I had no idea that was you Jbean! I know you now! lol.  you're getting married on New Years Eve right!?  Or is it New Years Day?  either way- you're so close!!!
  • jrsygrl10jrsygrl10 member
    edited December 2011
    sorry-that's my fault. i wasn't really planning on using the name, and then i logged in and forgot who i was (identity crisis?!?).

    we did a very low key xmas this year bc of the wedding. we relaxed, had brunch, opened some gifts and everyone watched elf while mom & i worked on a DIY hoodie & tank. it was hectic, but as calm as we could make it. what really did me in was my PT job having me in 12-6pm both sat & sun-that sunk all of my time for projects! but we're chipping away at them tonight!

    marburs-new yrs day :)
    the rehearsal is NYE, but early (dinner @ 330) so we'll be able to go out that night if we want to (not sure that i will, i may stay inside in pj's and watch the fireworks from the hotel).

    never thought this week would actually arrive-so i feel like i'm going to wake up at any moment and find out that it is really september, and not december 29!!
  • edited December 2011

    Upcoming wedding are so exciting!  I wish the both of you best of luck incase I don't get on much this week.

    I just wanted to stop in and say hi!  Now it's time to get back to laundry and working on the house.  We have a ton of work to do on it still.

  • edited December 2011

    If I don't happen to get on Bri and Jbean I hope you two have a wonderful wedding weekend! How time flies.
    KR - 60 more days WOW

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  • edited December 2011
    Ugh, hello everyone.  I picked up my dress and it wasn't properly steamed!!!  In fact, I would hazard it wasn't steamed at all.   My father and I spent almost 2 hours steaming it.  That really peeves me - I paid them a ton of $$ for my dress, they could at least have done their job.  If you check out my bio, you'll see my dress is ahem, large, so it took forever. 

    As far as my state of mind, I'm just excited. 
    August Siggy Challenge- Wedding Must Have - sleigh cake stand Bio updated 04/05/10.
  • edited December 2011
    Aw, that stinks about not steaming it. But that was nice of your dad to help! And yay for not letting it bother you too much, and remaining excited!
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