Just a list of the stressful/annoying things that I've experienced during my engagement; I just want to vent and let them go so that I can enjoy the last three days of being engaged...I'm excited
but I want to let all of this go and have the best day I can and I can't blame anyone but myself for having a bad attitude.
Bridesmaid drama (because it needs its own category)
1. Today is Wednesday, I'm getting married Saturday (this Saturday) and three of my five bridesmaids still do not have their dresses. I'm not saying that they don't have them as in they haven't picked them up or gotten them from the store; two of them are having them handmade and they are still not completed. I was trying to be a cool boho bride and just asked them to pick a dress that is from the neutral color family (which is a very broad range of colors) and said I didn't even care about length or style. I think I might have kicked my own ass on this one.
2. One of my bridesmaids asks me questions like "Who am I walking with down the aisle?" and "What order are we walking in?" and makes comments like "I'm trying to find a dress that covers my boobs because people should be focused on the bride and not the well-endowed bridesmaid."
3. One of my bridesmaids decided to take on the role of organizing and designing my bridal shower and insisted that she and the other bridesmaids would pay for it. This maid my mom feel uncomfortable and she offered to reimburse them. The lead bridesmaid insisted that planning for and paying for the shower was their collective gift to me and refused to take any money. Immediately after the bridal shower the lead bridesmaid changed her mind about accepting money from my mom and let her know what the total cost was. My mom reimbursed her. Bridesmaid accepted mom's money but still decided to collect each bridesmaid's "share" of the total cost. I'm still confused about this one. This especially bothers me when it comes to my maid of honor, my little sister...because big sister code dictates that don't nobody mess with my little sister
And she was still nagging people about their share on the day of my bachelorette party.
4. All of my bridesmaids tell me every little dramatic encounter they have with one another...for the most part I don't mind but I think them managing it themselves would have alleviated some of my stress.
Family Drama
1. My family is tiny; my dad's side all lives in Italy and my mom's side is so dysfunctional that I only have a handful of cousins and a few aunts/uncles that actually speak to my family. My fiancé's family is huge...and most of them I don't know. When we were making our guest list I asked him to give me a list of everyone from his side of the family that we needed to invite and I confirmed the list with his sister. We included children in our invitations. Two weeks before the wedding I get a text from my fiancé's sweet but meddlesome sister in law stating that there is some concern floating around that children are not invited to the wedding. I knew she wasn't talking about her own child so I skipped the back and forth texting and just decided to call her. It turns out fiancé's mom was visiting her sister and nieces that weekend and one of her nieces who has two kids (who I never heard of and fiancé never mentioned) asked fiancé's mom why her kids were not invited to the wedding. Fiance's mom said she didn't know whether or not we were inviting kids to the wedding. Fiance's cousin then stated that she had no intention of bringing her kids either way, she was just curious. So because of a curious question I have fiancé's sister in law and mom in my ear asking about children when final count has already been established. It is my opinion that questions about guests on fiancé's side should be brought to fiancé, not me, I did my best to include everyone but I can't be expected to just psychically know to invite people I don't know exist.
2. Fiance's mom calls me to ask me what my wedding colors are so that she and fiancé's grandma know what to wear. I tell her neutrals but that she and grandma should feel free to wear whatever makes them comfortable. She says "Well we don't look good in neutrals so it's going to have to be a bright color." I tell her that's fine with me and then wonder why the hell she called me in the first place.
3. Uncle sends his rsvp back with his "1" reserved seat crossed out in bright red pen and a "2" written in. Apparently I should have known that he would want to bring his ex-wife. I'm all good with him having a plus one but he could have just said something.
Vendor drama
1. Spend (literally) twenty minutes getting a lecture from caterer about how imperative it is that we have a "pre-beverage" so that people have water before the wedding. I'm sitting there nodding my head, I get what she's saying and it sounds like a good idea. Wedding coordinator then chimes in and asks if that is something that the catering company provides and she says "No." and then rambles on for another 5 minutes about why it's so important.
2. During walk through caterer looks at my mom when she keeps repeating "Well it's whatever you want, it is your wedding."
3. Find out that man who is making cupcakes does not make little cakes...WTF? That one almost made me have a tantrum.
So those are most of the highlights...the big things that just made me want to let my bridezilla out...over all I'm pretty proud of myself, I didn't yell at anyone or say anything I regret. I did cry a lot though...lol over really stupid little things. But I feel at peace now and I'm just excited to get married and celebrate