Second Weddings

NWR - Party Planning

Is not that much unlike planning a wedding - except that I don't have to worry about a stinking dress or writing vows.  Other than that there is a lot of planning, and such.  We picked a theme (Western), colors (brown, rust and tan and maybe some orange and yellow), we're tasting cupcakes and such for dessert, sorting out the wine.  I will be making centerpieces and other items to pull the party together. I have to nag the prop photographer again still no contract, and buy games for the team game round robin that we're doing, and the prizes for both winners and losers...  Oh and this is being done in a much shorter time period as well... 

But the DH is totally worth the effort.  I think when we turn 60 we're going on a trip. 

Maybe I should just buy or make some silly props and give every table a few with a disposable camera.... That is what I will do if the photographer doesn't come through.

A dumb question though, the brain has lapsed on baby shower questions.  Yes he's not a baby but my MIL thought it would be fun to do a guess the date, weight and time of birth for the "boy".  What other baby shower questions would be silly and unexpected?  I have his family album and other items that I can glean information about the DH when he was new.  

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