
Thankful Thursday!

I'm really thankful that
-law school is over. 
-my job and great co- workers. 
- my accident wasn't more severe, and that I have good car insurance.

August Siggy Challenge- Wedding Must Have - sleigh cake stand Bio updated 04/05/10.

Re: Thankful Thursday!

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    edited December 2011
    I'm thankful for:

    -Starbucks allowing you to "Create your own Frap"! I'm a decaf girl and very happy to have a Decaf Peppermint Mocha Light frappachino today!

    -My DF for showing me that he is still in love with me as much as he was 3.5 years ago.  It was begining to feel "stale" there for a while.

    -The sun, significantly lifts my mood

    -My mom listening to all of my ridiculous ideas about the wedding and the house. 
    Favorite Thing About Fall- Fall Foods, apple pie, pumpkin cookies, apple cider... YUM!

    Planning Bio

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    edited December 2011
    I am thankful that.........

    I just got FRONT ROW TICKETS TO THE PEE WEE HERMAN SHOW ON BROADWAY!!!!!!! I am soooo incredibly excited!!!!!! Granted the show isn't until October... but nevertheless SOOO EXCITED!
    RT + JB
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
    The only item I will not compromise bouquet of all purple tulips wrapped in a swatch from my Mom's wedding dress.
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    edited December 2011
    Meg - I hear you on the stale thing.  I think it's because they work so much.  By the time DH gets home on weekend, he's so tired he basically catches up on sleep and laundry. 
    August Siggy Challenge- Wedding Must Have - sleigh cake stand Bio updated 04/05/10.
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    LaFemmeRousseLaFemmeRousse member
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    edited December 2011
    I really needed this today.  Sorry, I'm gonna be long-winded and sappy...

    I'm thankful that I have had my grandma in my life for 26 years, that we are close, and that we know how much we love each other.  I'm also thankful for modern medicine, that her doctors were able to finally diagnosis what has been ailing her and that they will do their best to keep her happy and comfortable for the remainder of her time with us.

    I'm thankful for my wonderful job and coworkers.  I'm getting sentimental about leaving next Friday, but I can never say enough good things about the opportunities I've been given here, my fantastic manager, and a group of cool coworkers who never fail to inspire and impress me.

    I'm thankful for getting to live with my FI for the next 2.5 months before we'll be living in different cities again.  I'm also thankful for the reason we'll be living in those separate cities (his great job here, my great grad school program on the East Coast) although the timing is not ideal.

    I'm thankful for the community of this board and all you ladies who post here.

    (Also, Meg, I share your thankfulness to Starbucks, and that is the exact same drink that I always get!)

    Pittsburgh sig: Favorite thing about fall= college football!
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    edited December 2011
    I'm thankful:

    - that DH cleaned the whole apartment a few days ago. We normally do it together, but I was majorly slacking off, and he wanted to do it for me, even though he's busy working now too.

    - that DH and I are able to go on vacation with my parents this summer.

    - for all of the wonderful things that we have to celebrate in May. It's a busy month for us- my grandma's b-day, mom's b-day, DH's b-day, and our anniversary.
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    edited December 2011
    I am thankful that...

    - Lowe's finally got our delivery right today.....4th time's a charm!

    -My parents are buying us a new king-size bed

    -It's Thursday, the best tv night! FlashForward, Grey's & The Office

    -Rudy's BBQ has lean brisket, because then I'll feel slightly less guilty for eating there tonight Smile



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    edited December 2011
    In Response to <a href="">Re: Thankful Thursday!</a>:
    [QUOTE]I am thankful that......... I just got FRONT ROW TICKETS TO THE PEE WEE HERMAN SHOW ON BROADWAY!!!!!!! I am soooo incredibly excited!!!!!! Granted the show isn't until October... but nevertheless SOOO EXCITED!
    Posted by jlbaxter33[/QUOTE]

    This made me LOL! I didn't even know there was a stage show.  ::off to google::
    Favorite Thing About Fall- Fall Foods, apple pie, pumpkin cookies, apple cider... YUM!

    Planning Bio

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    kime31kime31 member
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    edited December 2011
    I am thankful for:

    all my wonderful friends and family and that modern technologies make it so much easier to stay in touch from afar (& esp that I just found out my cousin who lives in England is coming home for my wedding - I can't wait to see her!)

    that my FI puts up with the fact that household chores are on the bottom of my priority list most days/weeks and that he cleans without a complaint when I work a lot!

    the fact that we were able to get my sister squeezed in to see a good foot & ankle doctor next week to finally see whats actually wrong with her leg!

    my athletes and how genuinely nice and caring they are (2 of the graduating baseball players came in earlier this week to thank me for everything I've done for them while they've been here and tell me that they'll miss me, they even brought flowers!) .  They amaze me most days and make me feel good about the future of our country, lol.
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    edited December 2011
    I am thankful for:
    -having one last family gathering to myself before we get married (my family is getting together Memorial Day weekend for the June birthdays-brother, cousin, and 2 little cousins. ) 
    -My cousin (MOH) who has done so much for me including my B-party next weekend:-)
    -The kids I teach-they are so great and I'm so thankful that I get to give each of them a chance everyday.
    -A night out with the girls (even if it's book club!)
    Warning No formatter is installed for the format bbhtml
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    edited December 2011

    I am thankful for:
    -my mom who is always there to listen, help, do, and love.  I could not have planned this wedding without her.  I talk to her every day (sometimes several times a day), and she is the most caring and generous person possibly on earth.  She has tried to calmly put up with every bridezilla moment I've had, and has helped my dreams come true.

    -finally finding "the one"

    -my awesome friends, family and coworkers who were more than generous at my showers this week

    -sunshine (always makes me feel better, too, Meg)


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