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I'm sorry, what? Discussion time!

Take a looksy and discuss. Personally, my jaw hit the floor.

"Stuart was scared, but he loved Margalo, Mommy. And there is nothing bigger than love." -The Bean
 "His farts smell like Satan's asshole mixed with a skunk's vagina. But it's okay, because I love him." -CSousa


Re: I'm sorry, what? Discussion time!

  • I have no sound at work :(


  • 15 kids? That's got to be like throwing a hot dog down a hallway now!

    Um, I feel bad for her situation and I don't know the specifics of her state services, but in Connecticut she would've been given enough money on her EBT card for food for all 15 kids, as well as subsidized rent. But, if the fiance was living with her and he got arrested she may lose some benefits since you can't live together and receive services unless you're married. The state is ALWAYS in the best interest of the kids, so she was probably still getting help.

    Methinks that's what happened in her situation which if that's the case, shame on her. You want help, you need to follow the rules. Call me judgy, but you chose to have 15 kids, so you need to learn how to be an adult and take care of them. We all fall on hard times, but someone does NOT need to pay for all these kids.

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  • Oh @swazzle! UNACCEPTABLE! Basically, Homegirl has 15 kids. DSS is paying her rent. Other groups are bringing her food, clothes, even furniture. Homegirl says "It's not enough. Someone needs to pay for ALLLLLLLLLLLLL my kids. Someone needs to pay for OUR suffering."

    Pardone moi??? (sp? I don't speak french, really.) Did you ever think of maybe NOT HAVING 15 FUCKING KIDS????????????????

    "Stuart was scared, but he loved Margalo, Mommy. And there is nothing bigger than love." -The Bean
     "His farts smell like Satan's asshole mixed with a skunk's vagina. But it's okay, because I love him." -CSousa

  • Oh @swazzle! UNACCEPTABLE! Basically, Homegirl has 15 kids. DSS is paying her rent. Other groups are bringing her food, clothes, even furniture. Homegirl says "It's not enough. Someone needs to pay for ALLLLLLLLLLLLL my kids. Someone needs to pay for OUR suffering."

    Pardone moi??? (sp? I don't speak french, really.) Did you ever think of maybe NOT HAVING 15 FUCKING KIDS????????????????

    I would donate to her a case of condoms so that she doesn't have 16 kids.

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  • Yeah @buddysmom80 the little clip doesn't give a whole lot of info into what happened other than daddy of 10 of the 15 was arrested and then DSS got involved. Well, yeah. If you're not feeding your kids, and they're walking around hungry, DSS is going to get involved.

    Does she have a job? Is she just sitting around waiting for further handouts? I mean, what the fuck is going on here? I'm just a bit judgey today, but this reeeeeeeeeeeealy irked the piss outta me.

    "Stuart was scared, but he loved Margalo, Mommy. And there is nothing bigger than love." -The Bean
     "His farts smell like Satan's asshole mixed with a skunk's vagina. But it's okay, because I love him." -CSousa

  • @beanbot2002, with that many kids she could open up a daycare. What's a few extra kids in the mix going to make a difference after 15?

    So here's my gripe too, if your kids are provided with the basics (food, shelter, education) from the state, what else do you need? I'm not a parent, but besides that, what else do kids need?

    The video totally irked me too.

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  • My head just esploded

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  • This makes me really mad but I feel like we must be missing information here. I just can't believe that anyone deliberately chooses to have 15 kids. What was she thinking? It also pisses me off that she thinks that the aid she is receiving isn't enough. Obviously we don't know the details, but hell, she should appreciate the fact that we even have some sort of assistance system out there. I don't know how she could get a job and afford to work could she afford care for 15 kids? It makes me wish we had a better childcare system in this country. I feel like other Western nations supply more affordable childcare for their citizens that enable everyone to have a full-time job while not going into debt paying for their kid to go to daycare.

  • Uhhhhhhhhhhhhh. I can't even.

    LADY. Just don't have 15 kids, especially if the father of 10 of them is out doing things to get himself arrested instead of helping provide for them. And maybe if you could show some gratefulness for the things that you HAVE been given, which were very generous from the sound of it, that would help some.

    I feel for the kids and hope they get what they need to make it in this world, but this burns me up. That she would publicly state that "somebody needs to be accountable and somebody needs to pay" after all of the help she has already been given - that's just incredibly wrong.
  • This makes me really mad but I feel like we must be missing information here. I just can't believe that anyone deliberately chooses to have 15 kids. What was she thinking? It also pisses me off that she thinks that the aid she is receiving isn't enough. Obviously we don't know the details, but hell, she should appreciate the fact that we even have some sort of assistance system out there. I don't know how she could get a job and afford to work could she afford care for 15 kids? It makes me wish we had a better childcare system in this country. I feel like other Western nations supply more affordable childcare for their citizens that enable everyone to have a full-time job while not going into debt paying for their kid to go to daycare.

    Soooo... she accidentally had 15 kids?? 

    I don't need to know further details. Her tone and attitude when she says "Someone needs to be held accountable and someone needs to pay." tells me AAAALLLL the details I need to know.


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  • I tried to find the original article for this youtube clip but when you google "lady with 15 kids" or something like that, the first links are for foxnews and glen beck so yeah, no.

    In the lady's defese in re: 15 kids. Some people aren't the smartest. My cousin worked for the dept of social services in Pennsylvania. She set up a client to go on oral BC and the woman gets pregnant again. My cousin asks: "so, what happened?" the woman goes "I was inserting the pills in my vagina since it's birth control"

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  • I have to hope there's something we don't know. Like she's actually 100% disabled and can't work. I have to hope that because I don't want to live in a world where there's so little personal accountability.
  • @buddysmom80 I probably should have gone into detail like you did. I guess I feel like there are a lot of women (and men) who aren't educated or under-educated about birth control.

    @BriSox81 Basically what I said above, and buddysmom. I really really really strongly feel that the US of A sucks at educating kids about sex, sexual disease, pregnancy, and ways to avoid getting pregnant. I also think that even though the pill is cheaper and more widely available now thanks to the Affordable Care Act, that other longer-term forms of birth control like IUDs and those horomonal shots (like I think my friend gets some sort of slow-release something inserted in her arm every year) should be made cheaper and more accessible.

  • I tried to find the original article for this youtube clip but when you google "lady with 15 kids" or something like that, the first links are for foxnews and glen beck so yeah, no.

    In the lady's defese in re: 15 kids. Some people aren't the smartest. My cousin worked for the dept of social services in Pennsylvania. She set up a client to go on oral BC and the woman gets pregnant again. My cousin asks: "so, what happened?" the woman goes "I was inserting the pills in my vagina since it's birth control"

    I literally just dropped my pen, and did this:



    "Stuart was scared, but he loved Margalo, Mommy. And there is nothing bigger than love." -The Bean
     "His farts smell like Satan's asshole mixed with a skunk's vagina. But it's okay, because I love him." -CSousa

  • @beanbot2002 I can't see the picture :(

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  • @buddysmom80 It's the classic Captain Picard facepalm
    "Stuart was scared, but he loved Margalo, Mommy. And there is nothing bigger than love." -The Bean
     "His farts smell like Satan's asshole mixed with a skunk's vagina. But it's okay, because I love him." -CSousa

  • @beanbot2002 that gif is totally appropriate.

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  • I'm sorry, I don't care how dumb you are. 15 kids. FIFTEEN FUCKING KIDS. She had to have gone to a doctor at some point. 

    If it was five? Fine, someone is an idiot. But FIFTEEN!? No. No pass, no excuse. She wants someone to pay and be responsible - IT SHOULD BE HER AND HER BABY DADDY(IES). 

    She didn't wake up pregnant my miraculous conception FIFTEEN FUCKING TIMES. She had sex, a lot of it, apparently, and wasn't fucking responsible enough to protect herself. I don't feel sorry for her. I feel sorry for the kids that they have shitty parents, and they shouldn't have to suffer those consequences, but I do NOT feel sorry for her and the situation she has put herself in. 

    Again, SHE is the type of person that fucks up the welfare system for everyone else. 


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  • ALSO, there are other options, if she can't afford to take care of 15 kids. Abortion. Adoption. She wasn't FORCED to give birth to 15 kids, and she didn't have to keep all of them if she couldn't fucking afford them. There are plenty of people out there who would LOVE to adopt a child and give it everything this selfish bitch can't. This really pisses me off. 


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  • @BriSox81 I heart you to the ends of the earth and back.

    El Senor and I have discussed the possibility of another kid in a couple of years. But we've also discussed that if we are not in an ok position financialy, we WILL NOT have another one. Sure, we'd love to have all the babies. But we know that that's not exactly the smartest thing in the world. We know that we can't afford all the babies.

    Just last night Bean said, "I'm so glad you are finally having another baby. I was worried my children would grow up with no Aunts or Uncles. I really want them to have lots of Aunts and Uncles. I know! You guys should have like 5 more babies and then adopt like 10 more!! YES MOM! ADOPT LOTS OF BABIES!!!" He said this with wide eyes and a huge smile like he'd just come up with the grandest idea ever. It was cute, but I said to him, "Son, if we decide to have any more children, it will probably be just 1 more. Children cost a lot of money to raise, and your father and I will never be in the position to provide for that many children. It wouldn't be responsible."

    He didn't seem to think that 100s of thousands of dollars to raise 1 kid from birth to 18 was all that big of a deal. We obviously have some work to do in terms of the value of money. Oy.

    "Stuart was scared, but he loved Margalo, Mommy. And there is nothing bigger than love." -The Bean
     "His farts smell like Satan's asshole mixed with a skunk's vagina. But it's okay, because I love him." -CSousa


    BriSox81 said:
    ALSO, there are other options, if she can't afford to take care of 15 kids. Abortion. Adoption. She wasn't FORCED to give birth to 15 kids, and she didn't have to keep all of them if she couldn't fucking afford them. There are plenty of people out there who would LOVE to adopt a child and give it everything this selfish bitch can't. This really pisses me off. 

    All of that is totallly true. I guess I like ranting on lack of affordable long-term BC/sex ed/etc. This woman is insanely dumb...I wish at some point someone had said something to her (and maybe they did) about the number of children she was having or tried to open her eyes to other options. Abortion in order to not have yet another child...or adoption if she doesn't believe in abortion or couldn't find an easily accessible doctor willing to perform an abortion.

    Story-time: I know a woman who adopted a newborn a couple of years ago. The child's birth mother had all sorts of financial issues, her various baby daddies were all criminals, etc. and she had had at least 2 other children prior and I think at least 1 of those kids had also previously been adopted out. While I was ridiculously happy for my co-worker and her husband (they were unable to have kids of their own) to have finally succeeded in adopting a child, I also sort of felt like someone needed to help the birth mom learn how to NOT have kids...even if she was doing the right thing by giving these kids loving homes it just seemed better for her to not have children at all.

  • @BriSox81 I heart you to the ends of the earth and back.

    El Senor and I have discussed the possibility of another kid in a couple of years. But we've also discussed that if we are not in an ok position financialy, we WILL NOT have another one. Sure, we'd love to have all the babies. But we know that that's not exactly the smartest thing in the world. We know that we can't afford all the babies.

    Just last night Bean said, "I'm so glad you are finally having another baby. I was worried my children would grow up with no Aunts or Uncles. I really want them to have lots of Aunts and Uncles. I know! You guys should have like 5 more babies and then adopt like 10 more!! YES MOM! ADOPT LOTS OF BABIES!!!" He said this with wide eyes and a huge smile like he'd just come up with the grandest idea ever. It was cute, but I said to him, "Son, if we decide to have any more children, it will probably be just 1 more. Children cost a lot of money to raise, and your father and I will never be in the position to provide for that many children. It wouldn't be responsible."

    He didn't seem to think that 100s of thousands of dollars to raise 1 kid from birth to 18 was all that big of a deal. We obviously have some work to do in terms of the value of money. Oy.

    I just squeed and awwed through this whole thing. I don't know if I could love Bean anymore if I tried. 

    And you too, obviously ;)


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  • I saw this a couple of days ago.

    That, along with a lot of other things I've observed since moving to the Midwest, have brought out the Republican in me.

    No, Sweetheart, no one needs to pay for your kids but YOU and the scumbags who knocked you up.  How do you even have FIFTEEN kids?  FIFTEEN?!?!?!?!?!!?!

    Why do MY tax dollars need to go to pay for YOUR kids that you're popping out uncontrollably?  WHY?  GET A JOB AND/OR GET ON BIRTH CONTROL!
  • If I help pay for her kids, can I haz some?
  • If I help pay for her kids, can I haz some?

    With 15 kids even if you took one while she was at the grocery store she wouldn't notice!

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  • If I help pay for her kids, can I haz some?
    With 15 kids even if you took one while she was at the grocery store she wouldn't notice!
  • I saw this a couple of days ago.

    That, along with a lot of other things I've observed since moving to the Midwest, have brought out the Republican in me.

    No, Sweetheart, no one needs to pay for your kids but YOU and the scumbags who knocked you up.  How do you even have FIFTEEN kids?  FIFTEEN?!?!?!?!?!!?!

    Why do MY tax dollars need to go to pay for YOUR kids that you're popping out uncontrollably?  WHY?  GET A JOB AND/OR GET ON BIRTH CONTROL!
    But Republicans wouldn't be cool with her accessing BC because Jesus. Just saying....

    And yeah it make me sick that this woman is screaming about somebody needing to pay, but what make me eve more sick is those poor kids. They didn't ask for a lazy ass mom and dead beat felon for a father, look at how their living. What shot do they have at doing any fucking better? None. No actual fucks are give about those kids and they can't even be pulled from the house, and even if they could be the foster care system is a fucking joke. So yeah, the mom pisses me off, but I'm heart sick for those kids.   

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  • Ugh, this is just SAD. Those poor kids. Both parents were ridiculously irresponsible having that many children, and the mother just comes off like an idiotically entitled lunatic. I do hate that government funds go to to help "fix" situations that shouldn't exist in the first place, but if they didn't all of those kids would only suffer more than they already would. I honestly don't know the right response here.
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