Hi Ladies,
I am thinking WAY ahead of time since my wedding is not until Fall 2015, but this has ALREADY been weighing on me.
I have two sister in laws who have both been in my life since I was 12 years old. I am very close with one, but not the other. Before getting engaged I remember being all confident that I would approach the one I am not close with very directly and straight out ask her if she really cared about being in the wedding, but now I am getting gun shy.
Any advice on how to approach this situation? My family is typically very traditional, so both my brothers would be in my FH's grooms party as well. I keep going back and forth with ideas, such as perhaps my brothers can walk me down the aisle (my father has passed) rather than being in the groomsmen so that could eliminate having to have my SILs? but then it makes me sad not to have the SIL I am close with... even though she is very cool and it wouldn't bother her if she wasn't.
On a brighter twist, how did some of you ladies invite your BM's? any fun ideas?
I don't plan on asking until next fall I just like thinking about it!