New York-Hudson Valley

check check check

I haven't posted in a while but so much has happened the last two weeks!  I had my bridal shower and bachelorette party!  I had soooo much fun at both!  My bachelorette party was at my friend's house (bridesmaid) and all my girls and extra friends had paid for me to get a one hour massage (best one I've ever received!) and then they had chair massages and there was also a woman doing manicures/pedicures.  We had cosmos, ate my favorite foods (which they all brought!), played board games, and watched sappy movies.  I couldn't have asked for a better night!

Also, I have booked my photobooth, got my e-pics back!, bought groomsmen gifts, and my FI had his bachelor party!  It was quite the packed two weeks!  Also, my RSVP date is tomorrow and I still have about 55 people waiting to hear from!  Blahhh!!  How are you all doing?!?!
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