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PSA for New Posters

Everyone here is happy that you are getting married and have decided to join TK.  That said please keep in mind that this community is a written forum. 

1. Nobody is going to spend the time reading through a wall of text.  Break your post into paragraphs with a space between them.

2. Do not write in caps unless you are YELLING - and you're not likely to get pleasant responses if you do this.

3. Type in black text.  God knows why TK gave the option of colored text because all it does is annoy people who are trying to read what you wrote.

4. Use punctuation.  A sentence should never be fifty words long unless you are William Faulkner.

5.  Do not use text speak.  There are acronyms that we absolutely use here.  You can find the list of them under FAQs.  You have a full keyboard in front of you so there is no reason not to type out the full word.

6.  There is a spell check box at the bottom of the message box you type in.  Please use it.

A few more things:

The posters here are honest.  You can call it whatever you want but we will not hesitate to tell you when you have a bad idea - and we will tell you this even if you didn't ask.  We are not looking at things from only your point of view.  We are also looking through the eyes of your wedding party, family, fiance, vendors, guests, etc.  Despite what the wedding industry wants you to believe, this is not now, nor has it ever been "your day."

Posters here are in different stages of their married life.  Some are newly engaged, some are mothers of the bride who have decades of wisdom to share.  Those of us who are married and still here after our weddings decided to hang around because we love wedding planning and know what you are going through.  We have been where you are but you haven't been where we are.  Keep that in mind when we tell you that something doesn't matter. 

Calling us bitter old hags or saying that you feel sorry for our husbands won't help you at all.  Some of us are snarkier than others but some brides to be (and grooms to be) need a hard reality check at times.

Finally, at the bottom of your page, there is a search box.  You might want to scroll through a few pages of whatever board fits your question.  Snarkiness is at its highest when someone asks a question that has been asked already (sometimes three or four times) on the first page.

AKA GoodLuckBear14

Re: PSA for New Posters

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    While I'm relatively new to posting, I suppose I can say that it does take some "skin toughening" to be able to take the sometimes harsh criticism that can come your way.  The most important thing for us noobs is to remember that it's supposed to be a helpful community and sometimes we need to just take things with a grain of salt and let it go.  I'll admit I did get easily offended at first, but it's easy to get offended when a bunch of people you assume to be on a similar platform and your peers are like "THAT'S STUPID!"

    It just takes some getting used to, is my point.
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    "4. Use punctuation.  A sentence should never be fifty words long unless you are William Faulkner."

    "No.  I'm just tired a seeing the colored fonts, no punctuation, no capital letters, walls of text, and foot stomping temper tantrums screaming that we are all mean, that the person didn't ask for our opinion about how rude her idea is and if we can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all because that's not what TK is about. "

    Unless your intent was to be ironic, I do believe you broke your own rule.  Poorly placed punctuation in long, run-on sentences is not much better than a complete lack of punctuation.  That, at the very least, offers a challenge on an otherwise boring night.
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    In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:14Discussion:1bbd1129-5382-4389-971d-a7bfbc029308Post:274482c2-5b63-4fd2-81ca-4a90beb42d0e">Re: PSA for New Posters</a>:
    [QUOTE]I can't stand people who start sentences with the words AND and BUT.  Some people don't just begin their sentences with "but."  THEY PUT A COMMA AFTER IT.  Don't people pay attention in composition class anymore? P.S. Babyfritsch, she may not be one of the Knot's mods, but I am.  I can assure you that her post is not against the rules. Your telling someone else how to post is.
    Posted by RetreadBride[/QUOTE]

    Isn't OP doing the same thing though? She's telling people how to post or how not to post.
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    In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:14Discussion:1bbd1129-5382-4389-971d-a7bfbc029308Post:8816d7fb-001a-41b8-93cf-06af717210b9">Re: PSA for New Posters</a>:
    [QUOTE]Actually, it is against the rules. Please read them again.
    Posted by RetreadBride[/QUOTE]

    I'm still waiting for you to tell me how the OP isn't doing the same thing.
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