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Very bad pelvic pain.. Someone help?

I know this is soooo not the place for this question, but I'm desperate right now, and I'm wondering if any other woman has experienced the same thing. 

I went to the walk-in clinic today, where they did a urine test (negative). When they went to do an internal it hurt so bad I literally jumped off the table. They told me to go to the ER to get sedated to have an internal and an ultrasound. I get to the ER and they say it will be at least 8 hours and since I'm not in "pain" anymore, just discomfort, to come back tomorrow. 

I'm so worried. I have no idea what this is. I don't have any abnormal bleeding, I'm not pregnant (had a normal period last week), and I have no other symptoms anywhere else. 

Has anyone else experienced this or am I alone??? I keep fearing it's a tumour. Sorry for such a long post, I'm just really anxious and worried. I'm in tears and fearing the worse. 
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Re: Very bad pelvic pain.. Someone help?

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    The numbness and tingling can indicate possilbe nerve impingement, but I also agree w/ PP ... Pelvic Inflammatory Disease was my first thought when reading it.  The Inflammation can cause swelling that could pinch/compress a nerve.  Get your butt to the ER now.
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    This was posted over two hours ago, so I hope you're back at the ER.  Come back and tell us what happened, I'm going to be wondering.  Feel better soon!
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    I'm a guy, so I may not know what I am talking about but doesn't certain antibiotics cause Urinary tract infections? I think I overheard my fiance telling me this once!!!!!!!!
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    Antibiotics (I believe) cause yeast infections and not UTIs.

    Hi Keith!  It's fun having a guy around!  Hang out more :)
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    LOL poor Keith.  Don't let us scare you off with our female bodily functions.
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    THat doesn't mean its cancer, so calm down. Ovarian cysts may be indicative of FUTURE cancer risk, but not necessarily immediate risk. Im glad you went in, though, because had it been your gall bladder, it could have burst or something and got infected. There are all sorts of things that are NOT cancer that can be going on.

    Good luck though. You are in my prayers.
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    No no no, ovarian cysts do not mean cancer.  Do not panic!   I have lots of them (I have PCOS) and I don't have cancer.  Sometimes you have to get them removed.

    I also have gall bladder issues.  If they want to take it out, LET THEM.  You can live just fine without it, but if you leave it in and it gets chronic, it's going to bother you until it gets taken out.

    I'll being praying for you, I hope everything goes well!  Seriously, don't panic, just sit on the couch, watch TV and relax.  All of these things are routine and common.
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    Panda, thank you so much. I sent you a PM.

    My symptoms seem to be getting worse. I feel like I have the flu - sore muscles, achy feeling and tired. There is also pressure around my eyes and my abdomen feels sore - like I've done 1000 crunches in a row. Called the doctor again today who said don't bother going to an ER unless there is fever or vomiting, which I don't have. So I'm still waiting until Friday for the ultrasound. The wait is the worse part I think. 
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    Everything is going to be okay. Don't let yourself panic, it'll just make it worse. Take a deep breath. Let it out and do it again. 

    Cysts are super common, I have a friend that gets them all the time. They're a pain, but they are nothing to worry about, and I am going to bet that since you said you just recently had your period that this is exactly what is happening.

    Again, it will be okay. If you feel yourself panicking just take two or three very deep breaths, and repeat the mantra "It will all be fine" to yourself. You will calm down. These things can be scary, but try your hardest not to get worked up. Just keep calm.
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    So glad to see you went to the ER.  I'm sure we all have a story about a friend who has had a cyst on an ovary, which is a good thing for you...COMMON.  Don't worry till the Dr. tells you there's something to worry about.  Please, keep us posted.  Praying for your good health.
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    I had this happen. It was a cyst. I have an IUD and apparently this is a side effect. They treated it with bc pills to shrink it nd it worked. Very painful till then though. I would def have your galblatter checked again it might need to come out. I could see having both things acting up at once causing emence pain.

    Good Luck Hope all works out well. Keep us updated.
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    How are you feeling?  Any updates?
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    In Response to <a href="">Re: Very bad pelvic pain.. Someone help?</a>:
    [QUOTE]How are you feeling?  Any updates?
    Posted by Veittobe[/QUOTE]

    <div>Thanks for thinking of me. I am feeling 95% better - only slight discomfort left which I can almost barely notice.</div><div>I had my ultrasound last Friday, and the tech was very kind. She knew I was nervous so she tried to re-assure me and told me that everything looks fine. They said that I would hear from my doctor in a week with the results. A week will be tomorrow. I will update again if I end up hearing back from the doctor tomorrow, and if they were able to figure out from the ultrasound what was going on.</div><div>
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