Wedding Reception Forum

When is the best time to book a reception hall?

Hi so we picked our wedding date its going to be Saturday July 26,2014 i know that saturday dates book up fast. I just want to get an estimated time everybody always says do it now do it now and i know i should book it as soon as possible but what i'm really asking is what should be my deadline month? I don't like to wait to do things at the last minute im a stickler for keeping things on schedule so if i had a deadline month it will help us decide on a reception hall. we have a few favs but haven't picked one yet! 
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Re: When is the best time to book a reception hall?

  • I would start looking now, especially since you chose a Saturday. We booked our venue about 2 years before the wedding. 
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  • If you don't have a venue booked, then you don't have a date set.  Just sayin'.

    Start looking NOW.   In some areas, places will be booked up already, especially for Saturdays during the summer.   As for a deadline...well, the sooner the better.  There's no guarantee of finding a venue available on your date even if you start now.    If you are using a non-traditional venue (like a family member's home) then obviously you have a lot more time, and could wait until about 6 months out to get the details settled.
  • When you have a specific venue chosen, I would call them directly and ask how far in advance they will take a reservation. Heck I would do that anyways if you have it narrowed down.
    You should do research and visits, and choose one within your budget and guest list. I would do it sooner rather than later, although we lucked out getting a Saturday July wedding this year just 7 months in advance. However, it's an outdoor venue in Texas summer, so that may be why.
  • It all depends on how fast venues book up in your area. Around here it is normal to book 2 years in advance.  We booked 18 months out (July 2010) and there were already bookings for 2013!
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  • Start looking now, some venues books years in advance. Plus the sooner you book them, you lock in the price and avoid any annual rate increases.
  • We booked our venue about a year in advance, and it was the last date available for the summer.
  • We booked most things a year and a half in advance.

    At one of the venues we looked at, the coordinator called in to her receptionist WHILE WE WERE THERE viewing the venue and seriously considering booking it, and ooops, the room was already booked.

    I'd start looking now and narrow down what you are looking for. Then start calling around to find out if your date is available.

    The sooner you book the better, that way you'll have more opportunity to get your first or second choice, rather than settling.
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  • thank you all so much i took u guys advice i started calling places today so hopefully i'll be hearing back soon on places i liked thank you this is very helpful Laughing
  • The sooner the better.  Make sure it's your first choice and then, book it.
  • Make sure you've got all your ducks in a row first though.  Have you set a budget, so you know for sure that this place is within that?  If your ceremony will be someplace else (church, temple, other location), make sure that you know where that is so you don't choose a reception site too far from your ceremony.  Check the time of day of ceremony - many Catholic churchs require ceremonies be at 2 because of confession/mass, so you'll need to accomodate for anything like that.  Have you thought out your guest list at all?  Will your approximate guest list fit in the venue?

    I can't tell you how many times we've had brides post who booked a place without thinking it through and suddenly they can't afford it/are looking at having a large gap of time between ceremony and recpetion/can't fit everyone in the space/are asking their guests to drive an hour between ceremony and reception.
  • Are you having the ceremony at a church? If so, get that date squared away first. Our priest was not available for the original date we wanted so we moved it and then looked at reception venues. 

    We got engaged in Feb 2012 and will be married in March 2013. We booked the church and reception in late March or early April, so about a year from the wedding. 
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  • We booked ours 13 months in advance and they didn't the date we wanted to so we had to move it up a week. This is the one thing I would say is never too early to do.
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