Wedding Etiquette Forum

Sunday, bloody Sunday.......


Re: Sunday, bloody Sunday.......

  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Sunday, bloody Sunday.......</a>:
    [QUOTE]My OB won't talk about an induction until I'm overdue. Which is fine because I don't want that or a C-Section. He has found that if a body is not ready to be induced it just leads to an emergency c-section which most people don't want. I want to go au natural but we will see. My family doesn't believe I can handle going without pain killers.
    Posted by Ciaram22[/QUOTE]
    Can I just tell you that my natural labor was WAY better than my non, faster, felt freaking amazing, I didn't tear (i did with my first), and I overall gave myself a blue ribbon LOL (a little sarcasm there, I know people get mad when you think you deserve an award :P )<div>
    </div><div>It's good that your OP wont induce, my hospital has a 50% csection rate overall, and most are from inductions. Totally freaks me out. </div><div>
    </div><div>Have you read any books on it or anything? I really liked the Birth Partner, told me all sorts of things I didn't know even after my first labor...</div>
  • Ghoti you have 2 kids?  Have you ever said that before on here?
    imageBabyFruit Ticker
  • I've done a little research probably not nearly enough but I feel confident that I can handle it. I haven't had a single pain killer since July and trust me there have been times I wanted to. I know that's really no comparison but it makes me feel like I can do this.

    Plus I will have DH and he is a great confidence booster when I need it.
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  • Ciara- I believe in you!!Smile
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    image Robby James born 2.24.12 @ 23 weeks due to preterm labor
    Remembering Robby
  • LOL beach, I said it in my Helllloooo E post, but am just now wondering how many people thought I was talking about my boobs...(my 2 girls).
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Sunday, bloody Sunday.......</a>:
    [QUOTE]LOL beach, I said it in my Helllloooo E post, but am just now wondering how many people thought I was talking about my boobs...(my 2 girls).
    Posted by Ghoti[/QUOTE]
    Wait... you weren't talking about your boobs?  I think I scanned that thread too quickly too.
    Abigail Rose, EDD 6/8/13 BabyFetus Ticker

    Nose Job Blog
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Sunday, bloody Sunday.......</a>:
    [QUOTE]Ghoti you have 2 kids?  Have you ever said that before on here?
    Posted by dnbeach12[/QUOTE]

    </div><div>I admit I thought the same thing. </div><div>
    </div><div>Not sure I every saw her intro thread.</div>

    What differentiates an average host and a great host is anticipating unexpressed needs and wants of their guests.  Just because the want/need is not expressed, doesn't mean it wouldn't be appreciated. 
  • I just re-read your thread to see how I missed it.  I never read the comments, just the first post, and you said you spend your time with a 2 and a 3 year old.  I just assumed you were a nanny or they were your neices and nephews or something.  Very cool.
    imageBabyFruit Ticker
  • I had no idea you had little girls! How sweet and what sweet ages :)
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    image Robby James born 2.24.12 @ 23 weeks due to preterm labor
    Remembering Robby
  • I feel so weird having a little boy. I only had sisters and wasn't around any infant boys until my friend had one recently. I feel like I know absolutely nothing and am going to be so lost. Especially the first year with all the extras he needs.
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  • You are going to be a great mom to your little Edmund!
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    image Robby James born 2.24.12 @ 23 weeks due to preterm labor
    Remembering Robby
  • You will be an amazing mom, Ciara!  All new moms feel like this, regardless of the sex of their baby!  But out of curiosity, what extras do you mean?
    Abigail Rose, EDD 6/8/13 BabyFetus Ticker

    Nose Job Blog
  • The feeding issues due to the cleft lip and palate plus his surgeries.
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  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Sunday, bloody Sunday.......</a>:
    [QUOTE]The feeding issues due to the cleft lip and palate plus his surgeries.
    Posted by Ciaram22[/QUOTE]
    Doh.  Of course.  I'm sorry, I thought you meant he has extra needs because he's a boy. <img src="" border="0" alt="Embarassed" title="Embarassed" />
    Abigail Rose, EDD 6/8/13 BabyFetus Ticker

    Nose Job Blog
  • You'll be great Ciara.  And the doctors and nurses will make sure you know everything you need to know for him, so don't question yourself.
    imageBabyFruit Ticker
  • edited April 2011
    Nope they're mine :D 

    Loads of fun :)
    Pics removed, sorry ladies!

  • Well I am off to bed.
    Goodnight Everyone!
    Ciara- just remember we all know you will be a great mommy even with all the extra things that will make things hard. Don't worry :)

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    image Robby James born 2.24.12 @ 23 weeks due to preterm labor
    Remembering Robby
  • edited April 2011
    Thanks ladies!

    Goodnight barbie!
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  • I killed it. I should win an award for Ultimate Thread Killing.
  • I'm off to bed too.  Sorry Ghoti, it's just a coincidence ;)
    Abigail Rose, EDD 6/8/13 BabyFetus Ticker

    Nose Job Blog
  • And btw, your girls are sooo cute and look like they are a blast.  Goodnight everyone!
    Abigail Rose, EDD 6/8/13 BabyFetus Ticker

    Nose Job Blog
  • Very cute girls Ghoti.  
    imageBabyFruit Ticker
  • Goodnight ladies.  Okay I think I'm getting off for the night too.  My lap is getting too wearm.  Goodnight!
    imageBabyFruit Ticker
  • Goodnight kate and beachy.
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  • Night gals!
    Don't worry Cia, you'll be great. Really! I'm getting super excited for you, LOL, I sometimes miss that its bitty baby stage!
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