Mrs. B- you have just made my night. I have been upset, crying, and alone for a couple of hours over some stuff. Your last couple of posts (especially calling her a hag~) just got me to laugh& I needed that. Thank you.
G2K- you were still entertaining.I put a long vent about my caterer and the crap that happened today in my post about jumping through hoops. Someone gave an idea, but my reception is in NY plus the caterer is at the museum. It hits me sometimes when everything goes wrong and FI &I have a tiff- I moved from NY to TX... I can't just go out to lunch with my ma for a pick-me-up. College is over and most of my friends moved, too- SC, NC, FL, GA, etc. I am a yankee through and through. I don't feel "texan" after three years here and I don't know what to do about that. This weekend there is a bridal show at the Convention center. I'd really like to go to it, but my three friends that I have here are all busy. Or maybe its "busy". I feel totally lame going alone. As it is, when I bought my wedding gown, I was alone. I feel like the girl at David's Bridal is a good friend. I was excited when I got the email that my winter wrap is in because I have an excuse to go back there. I'm a teacher and off for the summer. Of my few friends here, only 1 is not married with child(ren). She has been dealing with a death in the family, a friends wedding (she was a BM), and now is off to stay with BF's family is WA for a couple of weeks then an Alaskan cruise. Wow, I sound kind of pathetic. Not trying to feel sorry for myself, just the way I feel. Sorry it was long again.
That's a lot of changes going on in your life all at once. Feeling alone is totally normal with all of the changes, especially when you want to celebrate the "checks" and do some planning with someone, or have someone to gripe to when the planning hits a wall.I'm sorry that you're having a rough time; hang in there.Remember that the only place to go when you're at the bottom is back up!=-)
The Bee Hive Est. June 30, 2007 "So I sing a song of love, Julia" 06.10.10 BFAR:We Defined Our Own Success!
Thanks. I try to think of it that way. I just never imagined spending most of my summer (or the time planning the wedding) crying. It seems like anything (and everything) makes tear up these days.
I see you're dieting (and doing well.....congrats). are you getting enough to eat? taking vitamins? When you're not at your best, stress can really be amplified.Okay, and I totally sound like a mom. =-)
The Bee Hive Est. June 30, 2007 "So I sing a song of love, Julia" 06.10.10 BFAR:We Defined Our Own Success!
I'm not really dieting... doing Weight Watchers... its taken several months of hard work and time put in at the gym to get where I am. I was jogging/walking until the heat got to be too much and then I took up learning to golf (I'm even taking lessons lol). Its a little less intense since lately its been 100 practically everyday! Of course, I get out early before that anyway. I get a lot of sleep. My FI thinks I sleep too much. I have a hard time waking up if I haven't gotten 10 hours or so. I was being good during the school year about taking a multivitamin... not so good now. I eat a lot of fruits and veggies though. I drink water all day long, which is a change since I used to be a diet coke drinker.Haha... you do sound like a worried mom. My grandma worries like that, too.
NcsuPsych,Thanks for that link! I've been having a rough week too (stress of wedding plans on top of driving back and forth 30 miles to the hospital to spend time with grandma on her death bed) and it made me smile for the first time all week!
Re: Mrs. B.
"So I sing a song of love, Julia"
BFAR:We Defined Our Own Success!
"So I sing a song of love, Julia"
BFAR:We Defined Our Own Success!
"So I sing a song of love, Julia"
BFAR:We Defined Our Own Success!
"So I sing a song of love, Julia"
BFAR:We Defined Our Own Success!