California-Inland Empire

Married! wee!

I'm back! Well... the day was "perfect" in the sense that even when things went wrong, I didn't care! Our ceremony was all screwed up and things happened in the wrong order but it wasn't that big of a deal. Both DH (ack!) and I cried the whole ceremony until it was time for the vows and rings. I even got a dip-kiss Amber! I mentioned yours to him awhile ago and then promptly forgot, and he did it because he knew I thought it was cute :) The reception was great, he kept surprising me. Our first dance, he had our guy friends since it a cappella. Then for the second half of it, the swing band took over and my roommate sang! It was seriously so much fun. My dad gave the sweetest speech and made me cry again. We ended up staying at the Mitten Building at least an hour later than we thought and they still gave us the whole deposit back! Wahoo! All in all, it was amazing. the pro pictures are up online if anyone wants to see them. Just email me and I will send you the link and password. So good to be back, ladies! cococansing at hotmail dot com.

Re: Married! wee!

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