Wedding Party


Re: *deleted*

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    Forget about her being in the wedding, get this person out of your life.
    Courtesy of megk8oz
    "I think bablingbrooke is the 13 yr old marring her cousin at the town hall. Lets all give her a big hand. And hope her inbred children can live normal lives." -tabs.

    A word of warning from your friends at Remember that text is going to be how you make your first impression over the internet; if every third word you type is misspelled, people will automatically assume that you're a moron.
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    Hey shes a big time user kick her to the curb. Sorry you had to learn a hard lesson on this one. Shes a big girl she doesn't need to be babysat and she should have had her money to take care of her own business. You appear to be a good friend and you totally got played. I know the feeling and it doesn't feel good either.You will be better off without this nonsense and drama. Good luck with your wedding.
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    Thank you for the advice and kind words.   I feel a bit relieved already, which is nice since I've felt awful all week.
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    I'm one that usually says you have to suck it up and deal with the person.This time, I'm saying to toss her out, let her know you're not interested in seeing her anymore, and enjoy your wedding without her.And happy birthday, too.  Hope it's a good one.
    "Trix, it's what they/our parents wanted. Why so judgemental? And why is your wedding date over a year and a half ago? And why do you not have a groom's name? And why have you posted over 12,000 posts? And why do you always say mean things to brides?" palegirl146
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    I just hope you didn't "loan" (i.e. "grant") her a lot of money. Ditch her.
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    I agree with all the pps. In this case, I'd be all for dumping her sorry butt. She sounds like a total loser to be going around spending her last dime on a hotel room just to sleep with a married man. And THEN expects you to "loan" her money for court fees and tote her around town? PLEASE! You don't need a leech like that at your wedding, or in your life. Feel better, Happy Birthday, and your wedding will be wonderful without her in it. :P
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