January 2012 Weddings

So I am dumb...NWR

A funny story for you all on this friday...

So I am trying to get into the habit of charting my temps for FAM.  I have been doing it for about 15 days. I couldn't get my temp past 94 degrees. Here I am searching to see if BC lowers your body temp. or maybe something else is wrong with me. Hypothyroidism?

So I actually sit down to read the directions to see if it said anything. Apparently, my new themonitor beeps every four seconds to tell you that its in the right position.  I have been taking it out on the first beep. This is why it has been so low. Yep, I am a genius.

Moral of the story-read the directions!  Hope you all are enjoying Friday. Its a snow day for me.  Denver has 2 feet of snow. I will be around all day!

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