Wedding Etiquette Forum

Random quirks/habits

What are your weird little "things" that you do? I don't mean that it has to be an "OCD" type thing, just weird things you always do.

I have to clip my bangs back when I'm at home. I never do in public but for some reason at home, they just drive me nuts.

Re: Random quirks/habits

  • Whenever I'm eating a meal, I eat the whole thing specifically to save "the best bite for last".

    My clothes hang in my closet first by category and then in rainbow order.
  • I save the best bite too, Daff. If it is a food with multiple tastes/layers, I always save the best part of it for last. Like DQ ice cream cake, I always save the fudge for last.
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Random quirks/habits</a>:
    [QUOTE]Whenever I'm eating a meal, I eat the whole thing specifically to save "the best bite for last".
    Posted by daffodil_jill[/QUOTE]

    Me too!

    I love sleeping with the window open.  I don't wear jewelry around the house (except for my wedding set).  I don't know why, I love my jewelry but when I'm at home the first thing I do is take off earrings, necklace, and bracelet.  I just feel weighted down when I'm at home, like I'm not fully relaxed if I'm wearing it.

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  • I know what you mean, Bay. For me its that I take off my bra almost immediately, and usually also change right into sweats. I see no reason to wear jeans in my house unless I have company over. And bras are just stupid.
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Random quirks/habits</a>:
    [QUOTE]Whenever I'm eating a meal, I eat the whole thing specifically to save "the best bite for last". My clothes hang in my closet first by category and then in rainbow order.
    Posted by daffodil_jill[/QUOTE]

    <div>Me too, on both counts.  </div><div>
    </div><div>I also have to have all doors shut at night while I'm sleeping.  FI says it's because I'm afraid of monsters, I'm not really sure on the reasoning.</div>
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  • I twirl my hair through my fingers constantly.

    I absolutely hate wearing socks, ever, unless its right before bed and I need a little exra warmth.

    that being said, I still cannot convince myself that shoes other than Old Navy flip flops are needed between March-Oct. My FI HATES those shoes, but I utterly refuse to wear anything other than that outisde of work.
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  • adamar15adamar15 member
    Sixth Anniversary 2500 Comments
    edited March 2012
    I like the dishes stacked in the drainer a very specific way.  I maximize the use of the space and can fit a ton of stuff in there that way.  H does not do that, and it drives me nuts but I don't say anything.

    I have to snooze.  It is almost impossible for me to get out of bed right away. 
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  • I hate socks too. My feet were meant to live in a warmer climate. ;)

    I like to nuzzle into my dog's head. She just smells really good. I don't know why but she never smells like a typical "dog smell".
  • I also keep all of my DVDs (and used to when I had CDs) in alphabetical order.  If they are series or sequels, then they are in chronological order within their alphabetical position.
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  • Haha, I guess my quirks aren't that quirky. I'm sure I have plenty more, but I just can't think of any right now.
  • I often tap dance when I'm shopping in big box stores with the hard floors. Especially when J stops to look at something for a while. I just start tapping away and he always gives me a look like "WTF lady".
  • I can't sleep with socks on.

    If I doodle in my notebook, it's always the same stupid flower pattern.  Been that way since I was in high school.

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  • I have to sleep with my hair over my ears. I feel exposed without some protection over my ears.

    I like to arrange my clothes by sleeve length and type of material, so all my shirts are hung tank top to sweater, lightest material to heaviest material.

    I eat hamburgers in a circular fashion. The edges first, then the middle. This tends to get messy, but it saves the best part of the burger for last.

  • Haha that is really funny about the burger thing, Erin. I've never seen someone eat it like that before!

    Related to burgers -- I can't eat burgers with a bun. or any meat with bread for that matter. Cannot do it. I eat the burger with a knife and fork.
  • I have to pull my hair back when I'm driving.  My gear stick has about 30 elastics on it. 

    I tend to let out big blowing breaths for no reason (I never noticed until H said something about it).

    I have to have a bra on at all times (except in the shower of course). 
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Random quirks/habits</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: Random quirks/habits : I'll raise you ... when my H puts the roll on (a very very rare occasion) he puts in the opposite way. Then I have to fix it. I refuse to eat the tops of asparagus. They feel funny.
    Posted by cfaszews25[/QUOTE]<div>
    </div><div>My H is the opposite. The other day we had guests over and I assume one of them changed the roll. After they left my H was horrified that I might have put the roll on the "wrong way." I too prefer to have the roll going from the top, but I'm not as concerned as my H.

  • I hang my clothes by color too.  It's a habit from when I worked at a consignement store, that's how we organized the clothes, and that's still how I do it.  (White, beige, yellow, pink/red, green, purple, blue, gray, black.)

    I unload my groceries on the conveyor belt by category too.  Frozen foods together, refrigerated foods together, pantry foods, household products, etc.  That way, they bag them together and it's easier to put away at home.  Of course, I can only do that when I go by myself, because H just starts tossing stuff up there, but I'm okay with that because then at least he's sharing my misery of grocery shopping to begin with.
  • I have to eat fruit snacks or skittles in order of least to favorite flavor. But only after I put them in groups of color. I have to play with them, first. I pick the "best looking" ones and save them for last, the quirky lookin ones for second to last. I can't eat them any other way, it will drive me nuts. I take my bra and jeans off right away when I get home, too!
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  • I'm with Eags.  As soon as I get home I get into my PJs. 

    I always put the fan on in whatever room I'm in even if I'm not hot.  This one is weird, I don't know why I do it, it's more of a bad habit then anything.

    I'm sure I have tons more, I need to ask Justin. HA!
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  • I can't sleep with socks on either. Also, certain foods can't  touch each other when I'm eating or I get grossed out (i.e. salad & pasta sauce or potato salad/coleslaw/pasta salad & my sandwich).

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  • I eat candy/nuts/raisins and such in pairs. Driving from NM to Ohio with my H and brother, they both made fun of me constantly. We had trail mix, and I needed two M&Ms (of the same color) at a time, two peanuts at a time, two raisins at a time, two pretzels at a time, etc.

    We turned our spare room into a library. The nonfiction section is organized by the Dewey Decimal System.
  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:9Discussion:69114a5e-2020-4559-8e10-3605d8ed40fdPost:63a18846-b4e2-496f-9558-3b3150cfcf74">Re: Random quirks/habits</a>:
    [QUOTE]I eat candy/nuts/raisins and such in pairs. Driving from NM to Ohio with my H and brother, they both made fun of me constantly. We had trail mix, and I needed two M&Ms (of the same color) at a time, two peanuts at a time, two raisins at a time, two pretzels at a time, etc. <strong>We turned our spare room into a library. The nonfiction section is organized by the Dewey Decimal System.
    </strong>Posted by specialk84[/QUOTE]

    Love it.
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  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Random quirks/habits</a>:
    [QUOTE]I eat candy/nuts/raisins and such in pairs. Driving from NM to Ohio with my H and brother, they both made fun of me constantly. We had trail mix, and I needed two M&Ms (of the same color) at a time, two peanuts at a time, two raisins at a time, two pretzels at a time, etc. <strong>We turned our spare room into a library. The nonfiction section is organized by the Dewey Decimal System.</strong>
    Posted by specialk84[/QUOTE]<div>
    </div><div>This is so awesome. If I did this I would probably use Library of Congress cataloguing system, but I am extra crazy. 

  • I will drive around as long as I need to in order to avoid parallel parking in the city. It drives J crazy if he is in the car with me. But parallel parking gives me instant panic attacks. I can't do it.
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Random quirks/habits</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: Random quirks/habits : This is so awesome. If I did this I would probably use Library of Congress cataloguing system, but I am extra crazy. 
    Posted by RupertPenny[/QUOTE]

    <div>I thought about using the LOC system, but I then concluded it would confuse me when I visited any of the five libraries I belong to, since they all use DDS.</div>
  • MuSu, I am a champion parallel parker, even though I only  have to do it once a year or so. My friends ask me to park their cars.

    My driver's ed instructor assumed I hadn't had any practice driving, and we had a bunch of time to kill at one of the lessons. She set up cones in an abandoned shopping center, and I practiced for an hour or so.
  • J is really good at it too, Special. I don't know why I get so anxious. Before my driver test, I spent a good chunk of time practicing at my parents house on the street. I actually did it really well back then. For some reason, my mind just can't communicate to my hands which direction the wheels need to go/where the steering needs to turn, fast enough. I get confused and then I stress out and just give up.
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Random quirks/habits</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: Random quirks/habits : I thought about using the LOC system, but I then concluded it would confuse me when I visited any of the five libraries I belong to, since they all use DDS.
    Posted by specialk84[/QUOTE]<div>
    </div><div>That makes sense. After spending so much time in the library in grad school I get confused by the DDS now. It makes me feel lame to not know where stuff is since I want to work in a library someday. 

  • I would rather drive 20 minutes out of the way than be stuck in 10 minutes of traffic.  I don't know what's wrong with me, but I just can't do it.

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  • H always starts to turn too soon. Then he ends up at some weird angle where there is no possible way to straighten out. The front bumper is out in traffic, and the rear wheel is on a curb.
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