Can we sticky the Introduce Yourself thread since we seem to have an influx of Newbs this week? PURDY PLEASE? With sugar on top?
Maybe they will go to that thread if none of the others

Here it is:
~DFWs Resident Snark~
I'm not so good with the advice... Can I interest you in a sarcastic comment?

Re: *Briana*
[QUOTE]My month board has a stickied intro thread. No one uses it. I like hearing proposal stories, so I don't necessarily mind "I'm new" threads as long as they are legit intros and now, "OMG Plan my wedding plz!!!!!!!!!!@"
Posted by mrsamandamiller[/QUOTE]
I'm not so good with the advice... Can I interest you in a sarcastic comment?
[QUOTE]My month board has a stickied intro thread. No one uses it. I like hearing proposal stories, so I don't necessarily mind "I'm new" threads as long as they are legit intros and now, "OMG Plan my wedding plz!!!!!!!!!!@"
Posted by mrsamandamiller[/QUOTE]
Make brain hurty hurt.
[QUOTE]LOL my month board used to have a whole page of stickies before people started complaining!
Posted by TexanTreasure08[/QUOTE]
That's probably what prompted KA to say that to us!
[QUOTE]Does anyone else see "JessieSullivan" as the OP on this thread?
Posted by mrsamandamiller[/QUOTE]
That's probably TK just being wonky again