African American Weddings

Update: Hey sisters....bad news. :(


Monday we went to see FMIL, she looked good.  Just a UTI... right.......

Well, her UTI backed up into her kidneys.  Shes in the hospital.  On hospice. 
FI is going to work today then down to MD again tonight.  We actually got half way to MD last night when his aunt called and said not to come.  We talked about post poning the wedding. But, FI said he doesnt want to wait to be wed and if it cant happen tomorrow he wants to have a small private ceremony and we'll have something else later.  But, ladies, call me selfish ... I dont want that.  Its tomorrow or replanning.  I dont want a wedding "re-inactment"  I want to proudly say my vows infront of friends and family.  Even if we have to plan a low budget throw together with pot-luck food.  I dont want to run away and hide my wedding day.  I didnt buy this big old dress for nothing.  $1000 on something I knew I'd just wear once, to not even wear at all??  NO NO NO, And he doesnt want to wait, not even 3-4 months for me to pull something else together.

Any-hoo back to reality.  FI said he'd call me tonight at 8pm to let me know what the deal is down in MD.  Im not going with him today.  That phone call at best will say that he will be coming in the morning with the disclaimer of (so long as things continue). 

The wedding was scheduled 11am-12, then reception 12-4.  We decided on doing the ceremony then hanging at reception until about 1:30 then hitting the road back to MD.  That is if she is in a state that he can even leave her for that long.

So, this entire thing puts me in the biggest faith test Ive ever been in..... waiting in my white dress, hoping that my groom shows up....................
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Re: Update: Hey sisters....bad news. :(

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    Sorry Hun it will work out praying for y'all
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    I say that if FI is on board with going ahead with the wedding then definitely do that.  It's wonderful that he is so committed to starting your future together during this difficult time. He obviously wants you by his side as his wife.  I commented on your first post too and suggested that maybe you can designate someone to let you all know if anything gets super serious in case you all have to rush back after the vows.  And hopefully your FMIL will be able to see a video of the wedding or a livestream using Ustream if you have time for that.  Good luck and congrats!  Enjoy your day and don't let anything else worry you in that moment.  Everyone says it goes by so fast.
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    CreoleBride30CreoleBride30 member
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    edited August 2012
    In Response to <a href="">Re: Update: Hey sisters....bad news. :(</a>:
    [QUOTE]I say that if FI is on board with going ahead with the wedding then definitely do that.  It's wonderful that he is so committed to starting your future together during this difficult time. He obviously wants you by his side as his wife.  I commented on your first post too and suggested that maybe you can designate someone to let you all know if anything gets super serious in case you all have to rush back after the vows.  And hopefully your FMIL will be able to see a video of the wedding or a livestream using Ustream if you have time for that.  Good luck and congrats!  Enjoy your day and don't let anything else worry you in that moment.  Everyone says it goes by so fast.
    Posted by zantster[/QUOTE]<div>
    </div><div>All of this! I agree with Zantster. Praying for all of you.

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    Sorry to hear this :( I totally agree w/ zantster as well. Everything will work out. Praying for you
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    I agree with Zantster too.   I understand how you are feeling trust me.  I am sorry that all of you are going through this.  I can imagine the rollercoaster of emotions.  As you said step out on faith and trust that God has already resolved everything for the good of all of you. 

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    Aww Mer...I was really hoping she would pull thru for you guys. I agree with other pp. I hope things get better for you.
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    You'll be a MRS either way. Things will work out. ((((HUGS))))

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    ((hugs)) Hunny....I pray it all work out for the best.
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    Wow. I'm sorry honey.! I was really praying that things get better for you guys. Just keep your faith and I know God will work it out for you guys.

    May 2013 January Siggy: Cake.!
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    I am so sorry to hear this hun. I don't think that you are being selfish at all and that is nothing to feel bad about. I will be holding you and your family up in prayer. Stay strong and keep the faith.
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    In Response to <a href=" Wedding BoardsForum:400Discussion:770bc34f-85cb-49d5-896f-7a2e0421e9d2Post:bf4b0e94-68a6-45df-b6dd-69cd2ae1e076">Re: Update: Hey sisters....bad news. :(</a>:
    [QUOTE]I agree with Zantster too.   I understand how you are feeling trust me.  I am sorry that all of you are going through this.  I can imagine the rollercoaster of emotions.  <strong>As you said step out on faith and trust that God has already resolved everything for the good of all of you. 
    </strong>Posted by island07b2b[/QUOTE]

    Totally AGREE!!!  God has already been working this out for you guys!!! Stay prayed up!!!
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    Ditto Zanster and Island. Big HUGS Meredith!
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    My heart goes out to you guys Meredith. I honestly don't have any words to say I wish I could just hug you! I will continue to pray for you guys and FI mom. I hope that tomorrow is the day you dreamed of and planned for.
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    awww my heart goes out to you Mere...I will continue praying for you all during this hard and trying time. Cast your cares on him!
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    I'm so sorry that you have to go through this. Definitely praying for you.
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    Oh no, I'm sorry to hear that. I hope it all works out for you hun. I'm praying for a BIG miracle tomorrow!~
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    In Response to <a href="">Re: Update: Hey sisters....bad news. :(</a>:
    [QUOTE]Oh no, I'm sorry to hear that. I hope it all works out for you hun. I'm praying for a BIG miracle tomorrow!~
    Posted by HardyLove222[/QUOTE]

    This.  I hope everything and everyone turns out to be well!  {{hugs}}
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    I am so sorry to hear this. You and your FI family is in my prays. I know this is a difficult time for your husband. I can't image going thru this. I have faith that everything will work out for you. Hugs
    **I am getting married to Mr. Wonderful on 11/3/2012**
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    Mere I am praying for you sweetie and PP is right you will still be  a MRS. I pray God's will be done for you all
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