Offbeat Weddings

How to choose between these themes?

We eloped & are finally doing the event as a vow "finalization"/reaffirmation. 

Husband & I are into medieval reenactment. My husband is a fighter in the SCA and I cook 15th century Italian food for our household. Many of our guests will be people we've known since we were kids from the SCA, and the rest of our guests know that it's part of our lives. So I've considered a loose medieval theme - not over the top "costume" kind of thing, but little touches like scroll invites and a cotehardie-design kind of dress, and authentic foods. I worry about the theme because of the obvious anachronisms that would be present, but it could be a lot of fun.

I also originally envisioned a "What dreams may come" theme - Shakespearean surrealism, Midsummer Night's Dream style mixed with the imagery that the What Dreams May Come movie captured. Watercolors and big natural floral arrangements.

I've considered a book theme and a sheet music theme (we're both very much into classical music/rococo art, and we both read A LOT). Many loose ideas to be found there. I've also considered an elegant southwestern natural theme, with sangrias and adobe touches, and in NM that'd be so easy.

Really, the only thing I know now is that I want dancing under the stars and I want to be saying our vows at sunset. Husband wants it to be my creation and refuses to give preference. How do I pick between all of these great themes? Which event would you be most excited about going to?

Re: How to choose between these themes?

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    I made my decision based on a few factors...
    1) What is the most 'us' because I wanted it to really represent both of us as a couple
    2) What is logical for me to do. Some were going to be over the top a lot of work, while others I already had ideas on 'how to do that'
    3) Venues. If you are already sold on a venue (I was) does the theme fit?
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    You could incorporate small details to encompass most of your themes without it seeming too garish.

    For example, if you're going medieval to renaissance, there's plenty of paperie ideas that even include hand-painted invites.  Etsy's always a great resource for that.

    Shakespeare/Midsummer also works for visual decor.  Throw in some books for centerpieces and you could don a woodland/garland headpiece for the earthy look.  There's several things you can do for a minimal amount of money.

    Wishing you luck!
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    Well, I had to pick a little differently that the previous poster. A big consideration for me was what did I feel I could effectively pull off on my budget. But of I still wanted it to say us.

    There is no reason you can't blend a couple of themes. It actually sounds like you have a couple of themes that would easily blend. If you went with your Shakespear theme and added the book theme, you could probably easily add in the music part if you think of it in the way of plys and musicals and how they also tie to shakespear.
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