September 2013 Weddings

GTKY HS style

When did you graduate High School? 

Did you like or hate HS?

What was your fav class?

What kinda teenager were you? (ex.  jock, band dork, reble, preppy)

Did you win anything?  Like best smile, most likely to be president, biggest flirt?

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Re: GTKY HS style

  • When did you graduate High School?  2000

    Did you like or hate HS? I really enjoyed HS

    What was your fav class? AV (we did the morn ancouments and stuff

    What kinda teenager were you? (ex.  jock, band dork, reble, preppy)  I was in Color Guard in Marching bad and hungout with mostly band kids so I guess a band dork/ but also a reble. 

    Did you win anything?  Like best smile, most likely to be president, biggest flirt?  None for me only the pretty people won these kinds of things :)
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  • Well this is fun!!!

    When did you graduate High School?    2003 from an all girls catholic highschool

    Did you like or hate HS?  LOVED it.  My group of best girlfriends is from HS....we had a blast. We still talk about how much we miss it. 

    What was your fav class?  Biology and Chem

    What kinda teenager were you? (ex.  jock, band dork, reble, preppy)  Mmmm....kinda inbetween.  I played piano and cello so I was in orchestra but still had tons of friends and was part of what was known as the "popular" girls I guess you can call it.

    Did you win anything?  Like best smile, most likely to be president, biggest flirt?  Senior with the shortest skirt...yikes!  I swear...I was not skanky!  It was because my mom never let me get my skirt hemmed shorter so I had to roll it...whoops!  Bahahaha and we all wore shoes like these Steve Madden beauties.

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  • In Response to <a href="">Re: GTKY HS style</a>:
    [QUOTE]When did you graduate High School?  2000 Did you like or hate HS? I really enjoyed HS What was your fav class? AV (we did the morn ancouments and stuff What kinda teenager were you? (ex.  jock, band dork, reble, preppy)  I was in Color Guard in Marching bad and hungout with mostly band kids so I guess a band dork/ but also a reble.  Did you win anything?  Like best smile, most likely to be president, biggest flirt?  None for me only the pretty people won these kinds of things :)
    Posted by MandiNewMommy[/QUOTE]

    I swear our HS was the only one that didn't get to do morning announcements!  Our dean and the head nun lady did ours...SO jealous.  I think that is awesome.

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  • When did you graduate High School?  2008

    Did you like or hate HS? Hated high school 

    What was your fav class? Theater arts

    What kinda teenager were you? (ex.  jock, band dork, reble, preppy) rebel, partier,  never went to school lol

    Did you win anything?  Like best smile, most likely to be president, biggest flirt? Nope nothing haha
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  • When did you graduate High School?  2006

    Did you like or hate HS? HATED it!

    What was your fav class? English because my teacher was awesome

    What kinda teenager were you? (ex.  jock, band dork, reble, preppy) I was a dork at the bottom of the food chain

    Did you win anything?  Like best smile, most likely to be president, biggest flirt? Nothing (bottom of the food chain remember?).  I was nominated for best with tehcnology but another girl got it.

  • When did you graduate High School? 2001 (All girls catholic high school too!)

    Did you like or hate HS? Both.  Loved my friends and some of my classes, Hated other certain aspects.
    HS What was your fav class?  Free period and art classes

    What kind teenager were you? (ex.  jock, band dork, reble, preppy)  everyone knew my name the first week... I was friends with just about everyone.  I can't really classify myself.  Maybe arty/social butterfly/kinda nerdy rebel? 

    Did you win anything?  Like best smile, most likely to be president, biggest flirt?  We didn't do superlatives.  boooo
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  • When did you graduate High School?  2004

    Did you like or hate HS? I liked my senior year OK, but college was a lot better.

    What was your fav class? AP English or Great Works (film/book comp class)

    What kinda teenager were you? (ex.  jock, band dork, reble, preppy) Mostly shy. I played JV tennis but would not consider myself a jock. I did date the star cross country runner for a month.

    Did you win anything?  Like best smile, most likely to be president, biggest flirt? Nope, not part of the popular crowd that won those kinds of things.
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  • When did you graduate High School?  1995 (You girls are making me feel old)

    Did you like or hate HS?   I would have to say a mixture of both.  For the most part I just wanted to grow up and move on with life.  Then once I actually got older and learned what the real world had to offer I wanted to go back! 

    What was your fav class?   English, or basically any subject where the answers were subjective.  I also enjoyed Physics because I had a humongous crush on the teacher.  ;-) 

    What kinda teenager were you? (ex.  jock, band dork, reble, preppy)  I think I was one of the ones that kind of blended in with everyone.  I've always been that way.  I get along with everyone and don't really fit into a specific clique. 

    Did you win anything?  Like best smile, most likely to be president, biggest flirt?  Best hair
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  • Well, this is fun!

    When did you graduate High School?  1998 (old head here! haha)

    Did you like or hate HS?  It was all right.  I went to the school for the gifted kids and they were all a$$holes - didn't really care for 85% but was still one of the popular kids (big boobs :)).  Most of my friends went to the 3 neighboring schools, and we're still buddied up today!

    What was your fav class?  English

    What kinda teenager were you? (ex.  jock, band dork, reble, preppy)  early teens - submissive jock.  Late teens - preppy a$$-kicking rebel brat

    Did you win anything?  Like best smile, most likely to be president, biggest flirt?  Nope.
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  • When did you graduate High School?  1995

    Did you like or hate HS? loved it. We had so much fun well as much as the nuns would let us have

    What was your fav class? Spanish

    What kinda teenager were you? Sporty and witty

    Did you win anything?  Like best smile, most likely to be president, biggest flirt?  Most reliable
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  • When did you graduate High School?  2005

    Did you like or hate HS? I was eh. I had very bad social anxiety so high school was a nightmare, but I loved our performing arts society. I miss it. Even the community theater I do now isn't at the same level we were held to.

    What was your fav class? Choir. If that doesn't count then English.

    What kinda teenager were you? (ex.  jock, band dork, reble, preppy) Floater/Choir geek. I really jumped around between a lot of social groups, which is odd because I was horribly awkward. Most the the people I kept in contact with after high school were choir/musical people.

    Did you win anything?  Like best smile, most likely to be president, biggest flirt? Nope. Only the "popular" people won those. I never understood how they were popular though considering no one I came across really even liked them. *shurg*
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  • When did you graduate HS? 2003 from a regular public HS

    Did you like or hate HS? hated it. so much that i graduated early in December 2002 but attended the grad ceremony in June 2003

    What was your fav class? yearbook

    What kinda teenager were you? (ex.  jock, band dork, reble, preppy) - total stoner but FI pulled me out of that "life" real quick!

    Did you win anything?  Like best smile, most likely to be president, biggest flirt? my FI and I were crowned Duke and Dutchess at junior prom. that's about it!
  • When did you graduate HS? 2003 from a very small public school - there were only 140 kids in my class

    Did you like or hate HS? loved it.  Our class got along really well and didn't have as many cliques as most classes, so we always had a lot of fun at school and at parties.  I had an amazing group of friends - 3 of my bridesmaids have been my friends since HS

    What was your fav class? Spanish

    What kinda teenager were you? (ex. jock, band dork, reble, preppy)  Let's just say I was a floater

    Did you win anything?   I was voted best smile and best story teller

  • When did you graduate High School?   2008

    Did you like or hate HS? Loved it at the time, now I realize that there are only better things to come.

    What was your fav class? HMMM that is a tough one, as a self proclaimed geek I loved most of them.  Yearbook- I got to leave a lot, AP Calculus- even though it was challenging, it was still fun.  And anything with Mr. Packard (english) He was a tiny little angy man.  He was hilarious

    What kinda teenager were you? (ex. jock, band dork, reble, preppy) I was a little bit of all of them.  Cheerleader, band geek, ran track (and threw shotput), I was 3rd in our class so I guess a nerd too lol. 

    Did you win anything? Like best smile, most likely to be president, biggest flirt?  No I never won anything.
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  • When did you graduate High School?  2007 from a public school

    Did you like or hate HS? I liked it, I had a lot of friends.

    What was your fav class? That's a hard one.  Biology because my teacher was awesome.  Learning about the mitochondrion as "Club Mito" was super fantastic.

    What kinda teenager were you? (ex.  jock, band dork, reble, preppy)  I was a nerdy band geek but I had a lot of friends in other groups too.

    Did you win anything?  Like best smile, most likely to be president, biggest flirt?  I think I got nominated for one of the smarty girl awards but I didn't get it.
  • When did you graduate High School?  2007 Did you like or hate HS? At the time I hated it, but now I miss it. What was your fav class? What kinda teenager were you? ex.  jock, band dork, reble, preppy I was really preppy when I started high school but by the time I graduated I was a rocker chick tons of piercings, dyed hair, and wore lots of black lol. I wasn't really "nerdy" in high school but I was really smart. I was 4th in my class when we graduated but I wasn't one of those kids who tried hard for it. I actually skipped school a lot but still got the grades. Did you win anything?  Like best smile, most likely to be president, biggest flirt? I won "Most Changed"
  • In Response to <a href=" Club BoardsForum:26a515ec-8009-4599-b81d-5edee3b3fb3cDiscussion:01b4653a-2742-4bde-a438-290ed79c0755Post:46181aea-21b3-4ded-a3aa-36f55b1ebbe4">GTKY HS style</a>:
    [QUOTE]When did you graduate High School?  Did you like or hate HS? What was your fav class? What kinda teenager were you? (ex.  jock, band dork, reble, preppy) Did you win anything?  Like best smile, most likely to be president, biggest flirt?
    Posted by MandiNewMommy[/QUOTE]

    When did you graduate High School?     1999--- so I don't feel that bad - for awhile i thought i was the oldest one on this board

    Did you like or hate HS?   i didn't really like high school much, but i didn't hate it

    What was your fav class?  science classes , psych and sociology

    What kinda teenager were you? (ex. jock, band dork, reble, preppy) i was kind of a stoner - but i floated - most of the people i hung out with ourside of school were not in school with me - they were older - so at school i floated but even outside of school i floated... i was never really preppy - but had preppy friends

    Did you win anything? Like best smile, most likely to be president, biggest flirt?
    nope - flew under the radar most of high school
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  • When did you graduate High School?    2007

    Did you like or hate HS?   LOVED high school! To me it was almost more fun than college because it wasn't that much work and I was involved in a lot of extra corriculars. 

    What was your fav class?  German, AP History, Band

    What kinda teenager were you? (ex. jock, band dork, reble, preppy)
    I was in band all through out high school but I never really fell into the band geek catagory. I had a ton of friends from all sorts of groups. I just was me :)

    Did you win anything? Like best smile, most likely to be president, biggest flirt?
    Nah, even though I had a ton of friends I wasn't popular enough for that lol
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