
He *asked* me to marry him

I am super excited bc after 3 years of being together he *asked* me to be his wife ... now I dont have to feel silly about being on theknot or looking at wedding magazines... lol

I dont really know how the *clickable* thing works but here is the link to my ring


I really like the *twist* on the past, present, future ring that my ring has....

I am a bit overwhelmed right now bc all of my family is on the mainland and I live here in Hawaii so I really dont know where to start with this planning. ANY help/suggestions are greatly appreciated!!!!
BFP #1 11/07/2012 EDD 07/09/2013 M/C 11/22/2012

BFP #2 02/05/2013 EDD 09/19/2013

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Re: He *asked* me to marry him

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