June 2012 Weddings


What's going on this weekend?


  • FI, my brother and I are all going home for the weekend. Mom's so excited she can hardly stand it. I'm going to help mom get a little more organized since they just moved and we're gonig to tackle some smaller wedding things. Getting off work at 4 today so we'll be home by the time she gets home from work! :)
  • Tonight: dinner with my cousins and a family friend
    Saturday: going to a sale with my mom to see if I can find anything for the house.  We're also going to look for MOB dresses. Oh and I have a nail appointment
    Sunday: church and relaxing

    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • edited March 2012
    Tonight: plenty of cleaning, I can't wait to open the windows even though it's chilly (they've had plastic on them all winter)

    Tomorrow: work thing in the morning and then not much the rest of the day besides meal planning and food shopping.

    Sunday: celebrating birthdays at my sisters house!

    ETA: so I was just going through my to-do lists and I think Saturday will be a day of getting a bunch of wedding stuff finished since Fi is at a hockey game anyways.  My list is scaring me!
  • Tonight: Nothing, FI works.
    Tomorrow: Breakfast date, going to pick out FI's ring
    Sunday: Church and nothing.

    First Look
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  • Going to St. Louis to try on my dress and have my shower tomorrow!
  • G2SoccerTazG2SoccerTaz member
    Fourth Anniversary 100 Comments
    edited March 2012
    I am so glad it is Friday!!

    It is supposed to rain a ton this weekend so I am staying indoors. My weekend is pretty much going to consist of cleaning for when my mom gets here on Thursday. FI and I will also go golfing on the Wii.
    Daisypath Anniversary tickers
  • It is finally Friday!

    Tonight: gym and ?
    Saturday day: shopping with my mom and grandma for a dress for grandma. I also need shorts and a new swim suit for our trip to Costa Rica at the end of the month.
    Sunday: working on a baby quilt for my nephew. And getting FI ready for another work trip to California.
    Cappadocia, Turkey
    June 2012 March Siggy Challenge: Honeymoon location
    imageWedding Countdown Ticker
    image 215 Invited so far!
    image 160 Are ready to party!
    image 30 Will be missing out!
    image 25 Are MIA!
  • kelsey, have fun going home! I love going home when my brother and his family visits.

    I am working all weekend. Hoping to get the last of the wall paper down in the kitchen at FI's house when I get off work on Sunday.
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  • Tonight - FI is making some steaks from the cow that his parents bought and I'm super excited. He made some hamburgers from the same cow a few weeks ago and it's the best burger I've ever had. FFIL says he's never buying meat from a store again - if these free pieces keep coming our way, I will not complain. He also wants to buy a pig.

    Tomorrow - We were going to work on bouquets/centerpieces with my Aunt and one MOH but my Mom is still sick. Now she has a fever so she's contagious. We've had to cancel this on them 3 times and I feel horrible for doing that to them, bad that my mom can't get better and crunched for time. I think FI and I will work on the photo slideshow instead.

    Sunday - Church and seeing our adorable niece for the first time since Christmas! It's been too long.
  • I'm going to a conference tonight and all day tomorrow...will soo be missing FI:/

    Daisypath Anniversary tickers
  • TeepTeep member
    100 Comments Second Anniversary

    We have our food tasting on Saturday. I'm excited to finalize our RSVP cards. Hopefully I can get them done and start addressing some envelopes this weekend!

  • Yayy Friday!

    Tonight: stuck trying to convince admitted students to come join our grad program; its the poster session & dinner so I get to brag about my lab to overwhelmed college seniors and then eat dinner with them. Its such an intimidating thing for the kids.

    Saturday: work in the morning then relaxing. Maybe convincing FI to get our passport pictures done so we can get the ball rolling on that.

    Sunday: Cleaning, our home is disgusting.

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  • Tara, have you done your speech yet?
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  • Tonight: packing
    Tomorrow: we leave for PA at like 6am. I have my hair and makeup trials
    Sunday: We have our big meeting with the venue to plan pretty much every detail
    Monday: I will still be in PA so I'm going shopping with my mother and sister to get their dresses. 

    Hopefully after this weekend I will feel like we have actually accomplished something wedding related! I feel so stagnant right now.
  • In Response to <a href="http://forums.theknot.com/Sites/theknot/Pages/Main.aspx/wedding-club-boards_june-2012-weddings_tgif-7?plckFindPostKey=Cat:Wedding%20Club%20BoardsForum:3ae4d68d-f10a-4dec-8810-da13c14a7b86Discussion:596f0601-33a0-49c8-b374-28a32086a66bPost:0e79b164-762e-4cba-bbcc-1c79c662d122">Re: TGIF!</a>:
    [QUOTE]<strong>kelsey, have fun going home! I love going home when my brother and his family visits. </strong>I am working all weekend. Hoping to get the last of the wall paper down in the kitchen at FI's house when I get off work on Sunday.
    Posted by Ash61612[/QUOTE]

    <div>Thanks, Ash! My mom is so excited she can hardly stand it!</div>
  • Tonight: Fi fixing dinner on the grill, watch a movie at his place
    Tomorrow: Hike with FI in the morning, pick up new tub surrond and maybe look around more for wedding bands.
    Sunday: church, probably work on the bathroom redo, hopefully finish adding cards to bubbles and relax.
  • Pretty unexciting weekend for me this week!  Have some papers to write for my Strategic Management class, but other than that, just spending some time with FI and with my family.  We've all been pretty down lately (and we're blaming it on the weather) so hopefully we can find something to do to cheer us up!

    OH and picking my new/reset e-ring and wedding band after work today!  Can't wait to have a ring on my finger again!

    June 2012 August Siggy Challenge: Favourite Pro Pic (I couldn't choose just one!)
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  • FI's kids weekend

    Tonight: 2 kids with basketball games, same time, different schools. So, FI will be at one, and I will be at the other one. Then having a few of my cousins over later on for a few drinks & playing darts (after kids are in bed).

    Tomorrow: My son & my nephew's b-day party at 2pm so going to the church (using the fellowship hall) early to get ready. Doing both parties together because my son's b-day was Wednesday and my nephew's is tomorrow. FI will be working tomorrow evening, so I may end up taking my nephew for the night as well.

    Sunday: Church. I am helping with Sunday school for the month so we'll see how this goes. LOL. Working from home later on as well.

    Wedding Countdown Ticker
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    June 2012 May Siggy Challenge: The invitations
    image 126 Are ready to party!
  • Tonight- going out with friends
    Sat- wedding band shopping, going to a friends house with FI for dinner then to a birthday party downtown.
    Sunday- hopefully addressing and stuffing invites. 
  • Tonight: On wed we moved my parent's pool table over to our house so we are having it refelted tonight. 

    Saturday: 10k Shamrock Shuffle race :)  Hopefully I can get my butt in gear and get some wedding stuff done.   I definately should spray paint our centerpieces.

    Sunday....no plans as of yet
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
    June 2012 April Siggy Challenge: Rings
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  • In Response to <a href="http://forums.theknot.com/Sites/theknot/Pages/Main.aspx/wedding-club-boards_june-2012-weddings_tgif-7?plckFindPostKey=Cat:Wedding Club BoardsForum:3ae4d68d-f10a-4dec-8810-da13c14a7b86Discussion:596f0601-33a0-49c8-b374-28a32086a66bPost:418f5423-6886-4609-89f0-5838934b690e">Re: TGIF!</a>:
    [QUOTE]Tara, have you done your speech yet?
    Posted by Ash61612[/QUOTE]

    Yup! It actually went fast because noone asked questions. Makes life eaiser! I don't have to do another until the next academic year =)

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  • In Response to <a href="http://forums.theknot.com/Sites/theknot/Pages/Main.aspx/wedding-club-boards_june-2012-weddings_tgif-7?plckFindPostKey=Cat:Wedding Club BoardsForum:3ae4d68d-f10a-4dec-8810-da13c14a7b86Discussion:596f0601-33a0-49c8-b374-28a32086a66bPost:ffb1690c-1747-4dae-a596-365b88220f7c">Re: TGIF!</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: TGIF! : Yup! It actually went fast because noone asked questions. Makes life eaiser! I don't have to do another until the next academic year =)
    Posted by diamondx423[/QUOTE]

    glad to hear its over!
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  • Today: nap, complete work crap on my day off that's due today (my boss didn't make comments before today for me to edit) and then grab some dinner with one of my old co-workers to catch up

    Tomorrow and Sunday (not sure when what will occur) - go get shower invites, sleep in, babysit, laundry, wedding DIY, and job apps.
  • Tonight:  Just hanging around...FI somehow hurt his ankle playing soccer last night.  He went to bed with nothing wrong and woke up in the middle of the night with excrutiating pain so he's not getting around too well.  He worked from home today and said he can actually walk now so that's good.  I think we are going to try to start some of the invitations.

    Tomorrow:  Definitely doing the treadmill.  Then we are meeting FI's dad and some other family members for dinner/drinks/hockey game.

    Sunday:  Doing some grocery shopping then going to FI's grandparents' house since we haven't seen them since the Super Bowl. 
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