I was so excited about my bachelorette and now it's turned into a whole mess. My MOH is planning a big Vegas bachelorette party weekend. Originally, I was planning on carpooling with 2 of my BMs (they live together) for the trip. However, my MOH called me up a few weeks ago and surprised me by telling me that my BP would be flying me out instead, which honestly is a lot easier for me since it would have been about an hour and a half drive just to get to my 2 BM's house and then another 4 hours from there. She was really sweet about it even though I started to protest and insisted that they wanted to fly me out and that she would be waiting there with open arms (she has to fly in from another city and would meet me there so we'd get a few hours of one on one time since we don't get to see each other very often before the other BMs arrive that evening). Long story short, I get a text today from one of my BMs asking me about me flying etc and that my MOH never asked them about pitching in for my ticket. This annoyed me first of all because I had nothing to do with this, but I could totally understand her being upset if my MOH really didn't run this by anyone. So I call my MOH and ask her about it and she said that in fact she had written everyone two separate emails about pitching in for my flight, everyone ignored her, and since prices are going up almost daily that she just decided to go ahead and buy it. The worst part is that this BM STILL hasn't written her back (even to complain about it) and only decided to text me about how she was never asked! WTF???? I'm thinking I should just stay out of this, but now I'm feeling bad because I know this particular BM is saving up for her own wedding and is spending a lot for me (OOT wedding in my hometown, her dress, etc). What do I do?