Wedding Reception Forum

"Adult Only" Candy Buffet

I was searching online for candy and you know weird things can pop up when you do a web search. So I found these gummy novelty how do I say...penis rings lol It got me to thinking, I wonder how an adult only candy buffet would go over? There are some kind of interesting edible adult only items out there. Even candies and cookies of body parts and that kind of thing. Wouldn't the guests jaws drop? OMG Disclaimer: I am NOT considering this option or advocating that anyone does. Just an odd random post. Maybe this would be a more appropriate thought for a shower or bachelorette party...anyway Smile

Re: "Adult Only" Candy Buffet

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    Gummy penises screams b-party to me.  I actually think that might be a cute idea for my sister's.  I don't want to throw a bunch of penis stuff on her to wear out, but it might be a cute way to incorporate the "tradition" while we are pre-gaming at home.  

    I wonder if you can soak them in vodka...
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    I think it would be great for a bachelorette party when its just you and the girls but not for a wedding. I think some of the older guests would be offended, plus even if you say it's an adult only candy bar it's going to be hard to keep kids from seeing what's on it.
    I'm married!
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    That is great for a bachelorette party.  For a wedding, it screams "trashy" just a bit too loudly to ignore.

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    The wedding idea was just a joke...I certainly hope no one would do something like that lol I was just picturing the whole idea in my head as in what if...eye balls would explode for sure.

    The vodka idea sounds totally cool. Maybe penis shots? lol
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    Had you really never seen penis candy before finding that site?
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    I guess I'm an old stick-in-the-mud, but I'd find them trashy and juvenile, even for a bachelorette.

    But if that's your cup of fun...... lol.
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    In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:5Discussion:058e64aa-f994-44f0-9c02-e68c8ccb3279Post:e0c7a7e1-076f-47ab-a28a-adce31400bfb">Re: "Adult Only" Candy Buffet</a>:
    [QUOTE]Had you really never seen penis candy before finding that site?
    Posted by cew515[/QUOTE]

    Yep but never thought about it in the context of a candy buffet.
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    ppl might get offended at either but is is more appropiate for a b-party
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