Hello, I'm new, too...my name's Linda, and my wedding is scheduled for next August (tentatively). We're planning very, very small and intimate, combination church wedding and indoor/outdoor reception...
I won't say much since this is my first visit and I want to look through all the great posts before asking my questions. Just wanted to say hello!
Re: I'm new too
It's great to have a group like this to turn to... to ask, to vent, to reaffirm.
Our plan right now is for something very, very small - like 50 people total - 25 of which are our families, and the other 25 are our mutual friends from the trailbuilding association that was responsible for our meeting. We're looking at a small bed and breakfast nestled on 86 acres of woodlands, because the owner says we can have our reception there *and* have camping the night after the wedding. The peak of the Perseid Meteor Shower was the night we told each other we loved each other for the first time, so the wedding is somewhat loosely scheduled around that.
Our big "in the air" thing at this point is the church. We are both divorced and both Catholic, and we have had annulments in the works for a little while. We had pretty much resigned ourselves to leaving the Church, since his ex fought the annulment tooth and nail. We found a lovely little Episcopalian church that we both like very much.
Then yesterday he got word that his annulment had been granted! It's not completely over, since there's an automatic appeal to the next level up and then the ex briefly has the option to appeal it further. But this was incredible news, since we figured the odds were slim that his would make it through. Mine we feel somewhat more confident about, for a lot of reasons, but we still haven't heard the first decision.
So now we're just kind of in a holding pattern until we get a little more news. We're hoping that we'll have something by February, since that'll be the six months before the wedding that the Catholic Church requires...
Anyway, that's the plan at this point...I'm starting to feel somewhat overwhelmed by the food planning...we want a very informal reception...any ideas??
Thanks again for the warm welcome!