I was wanting to make a slideshow and dedicate it to all those who are very important in my fiance and I's life like parents and really close friends but I do not know where to do it. It is going to be about 10minute long.
Our reception starts with us coming in and going straigth to the cake... cutting it than everyone will be eating. Shoudl I play it during dinner or have an intimate time between us cutting the cake and dinner?
Re: Slideshow
[QUOTE]I was wanting to make a slideshow and dedicate it to all those who are very important in my fiance and I's life like parents and really close friends but I do not know where to do it. It is going to be about 10minute long. Our reception starts with us coming in and going straigth to the cake... cutting it than everyone will be eating. Shoudl I play it during dinner or have an intimate time between us cutting the cake and dinner?
Posted by whitk10[/QUOTE]
Personally, I'm not a fan of making people sit through a slide show of you, especially a 10 minute one. I think they're pretty AW-ish~the whole wedding is already about you, after all.
At the risk of being called rude, when slide shows start at a wedding, I want to head to the ladies room or the bar. However, if you feel compelled to do this, I'd suggest just putting it on a loop and having it play off to the side where people can go see it if they want to but don't have to be held captive by it.
Or if it's really a TY to your parents and close friends, play it during the RD where they'll be the audience as opposed to your entire guest list.
Also, most slideshows I have seen have been between courses. I also think cutting down on the time would be a good idea as well.
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