Catholic Weddings

2 questions....NFP and priest "gratuity"

Ok I have 2 questions. 
1.  My archdiocese is not offering any NFP classes; I've searched through some websites and found some resources, but do y'all recommend any particular literature regarding the practice of NFP.  We already decided we want to use NFP but need to know how  to actually do it.  Any good internet classes or texts? 
2.  The priest from our parish is not marrying us in our church but in another one and so the fee for that church does not include any compensation for our priest.  What would be a good offering to him for his services?  A gift, money, how much?  Thanks for the guidance. 

Re: 2 questions....NFP and priest "gratuity"

  • 1. Lots of people have self-taught successfully using Taking Charge of Your Fertility. I, however, always recommend that people take a class. Northwest Family Services offeres an online sympto-thermal class (it is approved by my diocese), and I believe Billings has online classes as well -- hopefully, TeaforMe will pop in to answer more definitively. I think some Creighton instructors can arrange things long-distance as well, but I'm not positive about that.

    2. I'd say money: $100-200. Some people prefer including a gift card to a favorite restaurant or a bottle of wine or the like or a mixture of the above.

    Welcome, good luck, and stick around!
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • ditto biblio on all points, except id give a higher fee if there is significant travel and/or hotel involved for the priest.
  • I think lots of NFP classes are not necessarily "offered" by the diocese, but are more indepenedant.
    Try to find a teacher
  • You can also use to find a Billings instructor.

    I agree on the priest payment.  We paid our priest $150 and got him a $50 giftcard to his favorite restaurant.



  • Ditto everyone else, and good luck OP!


  • You can also try , they have several in LA, but I'm not sure how close to New Orleans. They also offer a home study course,
    You can also read a summary of the differences between some of the methods here:
  • TeaForMeTeaForMe member
    Fifth Anniversary 100 Comments
    edited September 2012
    I don't have much more to add to the discussion, but everyone above has given great links for finding an NFP teacher. It sounds like you have started researching types of NFP so you probably know already that there are several methods for you to choose from, most notably Sympto-Thermal (what CCL and "Taking Charge..." will teach you), Billings Ovulation Method or Creighton Method. There are other methods as well (like Something of the Americas... I don't remember the exact name, and Marquette).

    If you're ready to jump right in and pick one, the site Agapecarrie recommended (one more soul) is great for finding a teacher. Otherwise, the Couple to Couple leage website can get you to a CCL teacher or, my favorite, will connect you with a Billings teacher. I highly recommend going with a teacher to learn a method. Yes, it is possible to self-teach, especially with Sympto-thermal and really a lot of the learning is kind of on your own anyway, but I would say the majority of people end up having a question about their cycle/fertility at some point and having a qualified teacher to help guide you is extremely beneficial. I don't just say that because I'm a BOM teacher, either ;) We started out as self-taught but found it was so much easier to have a teacher to help out!

    If you have any questions about the different methods or anything, don't hesitate to ask us! We are weirdos who loooove talking about NFP, but be careful because we can get a little defensive and feisty about which method is "the best" (Billings, of course ;) )
    Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

  • Totally unrelated, but Tea, I miss your old ticker!  I love the new one, too, but the old was just cracked me up!


  • In Response to <a href="">Re: 2 questions....NFP and priest "gratuity"</a>:
    [QUOTE]Totally unrelated, but Tea, I miss your old ticker!  I love the new one, too, but the old was just cracked me up!
    Posted by Resa77[/QUOTE]

    Ha ha ha! The dinos vs humongous baby? Yeah, it was silly and I kind of miss it too :)
    Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

  • Wow thanks so much for all the feedback!  It really was helpful!
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: 2 questions....NFP and priest "gratuity"</a>:
    [QUOTE]We are weirdos who loooove talking about NFP, but be careful because we can get a little defensive and feisty about which method is "the best" (Billings, of course ;) )
    Posted by TeaForMe[/QUOTE]

    <em>Whatever</em>, Tea.  *Flips hair and revels in cross-checking CM and temperature.*

  • You can buy the book for the symptothermal method for self teaching. They have 2 versions, one for people taking a class and one for people learning on their own through the couple to coupld league. 
    BabyFruit Ticker
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