My fiance and I have started to pick out ceremony music but we ran into a problem. We have no idea how long each song should be! I'm having 8 groups walking in and it is very untraditional. We want one song for the group of 8. Here is the line up for the wedding party: Groom & mother, Bride's mother & Brother, Officiant & GM, 4 BM & GM, Flower girl & Ring bearer along with a Jr. BM behind them. Then a song for my father and I and a song to go with our wine box ceremony.So what is a good or adverage length for all the songs?
Re: Ceremony Music times. PLEASE HELP
One of the best options is to hire a live musician (perhaps a soloist) who can tailor the songs to the ceremony itself. Most live ceremony musicians are able to watch as your wedding party walks in and come to an appropriate close for each song, then switch seemlessly to the next selection.
You could also put someone in charge of the "DJing" of the ceremony, that is, choose the songs you want for each portion of the ceremony, then have the delegated DJ (a friend, or family member) fade out the volume when that portion of the ceremony is over.
The problem with choosing a set-in-stone time limit for each piece is that it isn't flexible with the ceremony itself. There are variables that you won't consider until the night of the rehearsal, and by then it's too late (for instance, your ring bearer trips, or decides to take his time coming down the aisle)! It's best to have someone in charge of the music on the day-of who can adjust to slight subtleties in the ceremony length.
Think about hiring a live musician or group, or ask a friend to be in charge of the stereo!
If you need more help with your wedding ceremony music, feel free to check out my wedding blog:
All the best!
- Josh
i had 3 girls before me with a LONG aisle, and they took about 1:45 total....but those numbers won't mean much to you. try it out yourself....see how long it takes you to walk whatever distance you have in your venue....and then multiply that by 8. it won't be accurate, but it will be a closer estimate than asking all of us!
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