I know we've all seen regretsy.com, but what are some things you've come across on etsy that made you say WTF??
My sister has 2 dachshunds and I just typed that in search to see what came up..
This one just seemed odd to me:
http://www.etsy DOT com /listing/49376279/pin-up-girl-with-naughty-dachsund-dog?ref=sr_list_16&ga_search_query=dachsund&ga_search_type=handmade&ga_page=3&order=&includes%5B0%5D=tags&includes%5B1%5D=title
and this one was a cute idea, but poorly executed. Whats that green stuff?
http://www.etsy DOT com/listing/48796693/hot-dog-charm?ref=sr_list_20&ga_search_query=dachsund&ga_search_type=handmade&ga_page=3&order=&includes%5B0%5D=tags&includes%5B1%5D=title