
I'm Married!! TONS OF ITEMS for SALE Candy Bar Jars, scoops, Vases in all size - for sale

Hey Knotties,
I am prepared to write a book after my AMAZING Wedding. I would really like to go ahead an write a detailed review of my experience but right now is not the time. BUT I must say I pulled of a perfect wedding, two fabulous dresses, tons of DIY with 200 guest. The feeling I have is one that I hope every bride experiences. BUT boy were there some hiccups along the road, all of which I intend to share .

I am working on getting picuters of the items I have for sale but not having much luck with the website. However, if you would like to email me I can send pics directly to you

I have tons of VASEs- you name the size and quantity and I am sure i have
I have an tons of jasrs for candy bar 12 in total - you name the prices
I have frames, DIY supplies, you name i;ve goit it and I would like to get rid of them soon

I promise I will send pics soon, but if you are interested please email me at

Re: I'm Married!! TONS OF ITEMS for SALE Candy Bar Jars, scoops, Vases in all size - for sale

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