
Marriage License Q's

Well, I am coming dangerously close to that 60-day point.

Since FI has a much harder time getting off work than I do, and we have some errands to run together next week, I thought we should also pick up the license that day (exactly 57 days before the wedding).

I just want to make sure that I'm not cutting it too close and that I have the rules straight.  The marriage license has to be SIGNED within 60 days, correct?  Is there anything else that needs to be done within those 60 days that would make getting it this early a bad idea?

Re: Marriage License Q's

  • edited December 2011
    You have a window of 60 days between getting the license and getting married. If you're pressed for time you could actually get it a week before. It just has to be used within 60 days or it's not valid anymore. And no, nothing else needs to be done during that time.
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  • mysticlmysticl member
    Fourth Anniversary First Answer 2500 Comments 500 Love Its
    edited December 2011
    Also, you can get married the same day you get your license.  If your wedding is on a weekend you could get  it on Friday.  Due to my FI work schedule we will probably get ours the Thursday or Friday before. 
    No blood tests needed, I think most states are getting away from that. 
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