Just Engaged and Proposals

Sneaky Proposal

My birthday was April 9th, and I had a feeling he was going to propose then (I had recently been on a family trip and my mom asked me questions about whether he could make me happy forever, if I wanted to marry him, etc. and also brought up my gramma's rings, I thought maybe he had called to ask permission - turned out he had)
Birthday came and went, and I thought I must have just been imagining the signs. April 12th I had the day off and was relaxing at home, when FI went out to "run some errands". When he came home he told me that he wanted to try on his new sports coat we had picked out the day before to see how it looked with his dress pants (clever plan to get dressed up!) Then he came out and grabbed our kitten Misty, telling me he had bought a surprise for her. She has long, white fur and sheds a lot, so I immediately started "nagging" him about getting fur on his nice clothes. He left the room with Misty, and I heard the jingling of a collar with a bell. I started telling him to leave the collar off, she doesn't like them and doesn't need one and I had thrown out the previous one for that reason. I heard him struggling for about 5 minutes in the spare room, but I was distracted with something so didn't go to investigate. He came back into the living room and held Misty out towards me to look at her new hot pink collar. "Oh cool" I said, before looking back to my computer. He told me to actually look at it, and that was when I looked up and saw him on one knee, and noticed the sparkle dangling from the collar!! He asked me to marry him, and after repeating "are you serious? is this a joke?" about 20 times, I of course said yes!! As I started to make my phone calls (after enjoying a moment of happiness with my future husband of course!) I found out that my parents, siblings, best friend, all of our mutual friends, and all of FI's family and friends had known for weeks! Apparantly FI was planning to propose several days later and was just planning to pick up the ring that day, but got so excited on the drive home that he just had to do it as soon as possible.
It was the perfect proposal for us. Kind of cheezy, a bit of a mess (with me nagging and Misty being an unwilling participant), but funny and full of love.

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