Snarky Brides

It's a beautiful Sunday Morning!

The weather here is gorgeous, I'm on the deck with the dog, drinking my coffee.

Yesterday I was very productive. We went to the garden center and I stocked up on pumpkins and pansies. I plan to get my bale of hay and corn stalks today.

I also removed everything out of the fridge and scrubbed it down, H thought I'd lost my mind when he came out and all the food was in the center island.

Today will be planting and I need to go to Petsmart for dog food and of course Michaels is right next door so I have to stop there. One of my projects wasnt working as well as I planned, thank god I did a tester one. So I have to pick up more stuff.

I planned to clean one cupboard or pantry a weekend, so I can get things organized. H gave me the green light to hire someone for the bathroom remodel, YAY!

Whats your plans today?
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Re: It's a beautiful Sunday Morning!

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    Yesterday was super productive. I did four loads of laundry (two more are almost ready to be folded up and put away - I never let it get so piled up, this week was rare), made a lasagna and cake, swept, vacuumed, dusted, did my workout and ran some errands.

    Today I am avoiding learning grade 8 math, but am doing my schedule for the week. FI has half the garage roof shingled, and I just made a steak and egg brunch. Dd is out playing with her friends, and I am thinking either nap or reading (likely both).

    I have curtains picked for dd's room reno and they're ready to order, and I just ordered a tablet for me. My ereader died an honourable death this spring and I had to replace it, so I figured a tablet was a good choice.

    I have pants to hem for FI, but until he tries them on, they are destined to remain on the shelf! I need to get crafty again, but don't know where I want to start!
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    Wow, Jenny and I thought I was productive.

    Start on Pinterest, it's where I get most of my inspirations.

    Nap and book sound good! H has just informed me the Raiders are playing a early game, so I'm going to lose him soon.
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    lol - Pinterest is awesome (when I can get a good connection). I've got some ideas from there already that I've got tucked away, but have been spending my time looking at weddings, getting in shape and hairstyles (growing mine out again, of course).

    We don't have any craft stores here - lots of stores that sell crafts, but very little in supplies. I miss Michaels ...

    I should clean out the fridge. You've got me beat there!
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    Good morning! 

    I'm up earlier than usual for a Sunday, getting packed to spend a few days with the in-laws. The house building is in a really fun phase right now, and DH and I decided it would be easier to stay closer to our lot while I have the time off from work, so we can really get building.

    It's crazy how fast things are moving - as of Saturday all we had was the main floor, no walls. Now we have all the main floor exterior and interior walls, the stairs, and the upstairs floor! By the end of this week we may have a roof!

    (Sorry if I talk too much about the house, BTW. Can you tell I'm really excited?)
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    Morning! I had a great event yesterday, sold lots of books. Today  I'm hoping to finish lesson planning while taking breaks to clean the house. At some point I need to go grocery shopping.

    I was woken up this morning to H barging through the door freaking out because he was having an allergic reaction to something (we don't know what, he was weed eating and whatever flew up and hit him caused a reaction). It was chaos for a few minutes while we slathered calamine on him while getting him to the shower, then I tore the bathroom apart looking for the meds. So, the lesson here is to get a stash of allergy meds and keep it close at hand.

    He's okay now, but man it was bad for a bit there.
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    Building a house IS exciting!
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    Sesh, I've been there with the allergic reaction. (Then FI) and my best friend had to run to the store for some meds after some ants bit me. Glad your H is ok. 
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    Wow.  Productive much?  You can come do my cabinets.  They've gotten horrible.  Especially the spice cabinet.  I've gotten into the bad habit of just shoving jars back in the cabinet after I use them.  Takes me ages to find anything.  I really ld look on pinterest for some sore of organizational rack for my H to make.

    Wow Sesh, allergies can be so scary.  I'm surprised myself or my H hasn't stumbled into something on our hikes yet.  I'm pretty good about watching for leaves of three and all that but we really should get a native plants guide.

    Busy but not busy day.  I'm canning apples today so I'll be busy until dinner but it's a lot of hurry up and wait work once I get the apples all cut with my apple slicer.  But at least I'll have gobs of apples ready for fall crisps, pies, and the like.  So most of the day will be filled with watching Wildest Police Videos while in the kitchen or searching online for new places to hike.
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    Good morning!
    I have to leave for job two in a couple minutes but I wanted to say hello. My cat woke me up early this morning but I refuse to give him his way and feed him when he wakes me up so we spent some quality cuddling time in bed.
    I have to head for work for awhile, when I get home I'm going to do some cleaning and what not and get to bed nice and early for job one tomorrow.
    So basically, nothing exciting lol

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    We went to an  11:00 AM wedding. Just before the ceremony, the groom tells me that they are moving to Virginia for a job he just got and that the Bride's mother is terminally ill - so that was interesting.We then left our gift/card in the box, signed a guestbook and were seated. My DH was unprepaired for the super religious nature of the wedding (it was not in a church and our friends were avowed athiests a year ago) so was started to be having prayers and bible readings etc., but that was fine - their perogative for sure.

    The ceremony was only about 40 minutes, and then everyone got thrown outside for punch and snacks in a bag while they worked on the food in the reception area kitchen. About two hours later I went inside to use the bathroom and saw that they were essentially making the food. My DH plead starvation, we were surrounded by bees, so we came home and had lunch.

    Oh well, glad I got to see them one last time before they leave the state!
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