May 2012 Weddings

5 days to go a little rant

Got a TEXT msg this morning from one of my oldest friends with a bs excuse that her husband who has over 30 years senority with his agency has to work mandatory overtime this weekend. She does not want to come alone so neither is coming and she said "so please cancel our dinners" like it was some restaurant reservation.  Seriously, that is such a phony excuse.  I know he can get any days off he wants and what prevents her from coming.  She will know everyone there - literally!  I texted back and told her that it was too late to cancel and she then offered to reimburse me the cost of their meals...hmmmm...tempting!  What do you think?  I think it would be almost as rude to take her up on the offer as it was for her to cancel at this late date and make this offer....

Re: 5 days to go a little rant

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    I'd just bite the bullet on the cost at this point - do you have any teens coming who might like to bring a friend? That is a lame excuse, I hate when people act as though your company isn't good enough. And seriously, is there some alternate universe where weddings aren't expensive and don't have to be planned in advance? It seems every single bride has at least one last minute lame excuse, or someone trying to say yes at the last minute, or bring extra guests.
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    Probably will just eat the cost.  I told hotel that I had expectation they would pack up extra food for us to take home so hope they will including these two.  Thought about asking last minute additions (I didn't get to invite anyone from work and there was one friend I did want to have come).  It's so obvious that they are last minute.  If she had let me know even a week ago, I could have taken them off.  Oh well, concentrate on positives!
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    In Response to 5 days to go a little rant:

    I know - our wedding is on Sunday, and I have had 7 people cancel in the last 3 days.  And some of the reasons - yesterday's was "my husband is in Wyoming, and he lost his license so he has to take a bus home. I don't think we can make it". SERIOUSLY? Or "the friend I was bringing can't make it at the time you are having the wedding, so I can't come". Pretty sure the wedding time was on the invite you got 6 months ago - perhaps you should have picked a different friend to attend with you.

     I know things happen. And my wedding coordinator said to expect that 10% of people who said they were coming won't actually come. So I won't be surprised if a few more cancel. I figure the dinner money is spent at this point. At least they won't drink any alcohol. :)
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    I would just suck it up at this point.  This kind of stuff always happens for one reason or another.  It would be really tacky to ask for the money.  Plus, you don't want people knowing what you're spending pp, that's even tackier!  Don't worry about it and just forget about it and enjoy your day with everyone who will be there.
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    Ugh that is annoying, but I would just focus on the people that will be there and not those that won't.
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    Oh, I definitely would NEVEr ask for the money.  She offered and I was joking when I said I'd consider taking it.  It's a fortune lost but the real prize is in sight!  Got keep on the sunny side.
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    It is definitely annoying.  The day of I had almost 10 people not show up for various reasons.  Already paid for, our wedding was almost $80pp so that was a nice chunk of change I'll never get back.  Just got to appreciate who did come, and I say F the rest!
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