Also - if you have your DVR set to record the series, you have to go in and redo it! Since the title is different, DVR isn't picking it up so you have to re-record the series. I won't be hope til later tonight so I double checked it and found out it wasn't set to record.
I saw a post on my Facebook feed yesterday or the day before reminding me to set my DVR to record the new name. I just can't wrap my head around how this is going to play out being completely different characters. I thought Ryan Murphy was crazy when that was announced but I'm all for checking it out. I LOVED Tate last season so I'm really glad he and Jessica Lange are coming back.
In Response to <a href="">Re: Anybody else watch American Horror Story</a>: [QUOTE]I saw a post on my Facebook feed yesterday or the day before reminding me to set my DVR to record the new name. I just can't wrap my head around how this is going to play out being completely different characters. I thought Ryan Murphy was crazy when that was announced but I'm all for checking it out. I LOVED Tate last season so I'm really glad he and Jessica Lange are coming back. Posted by GoofyAssChick[/QUOTE]
ME TOO! And let's not forget about the lovely addition that is Adam Levine.
In Response to <a href="">Re: Anybody else watch American Horror Story</a>: [QUOTE]What is it about? Posted by Jlp818[/QUOTE]
It. Is. Amazing.
Last season was all about this haunted house and a single family living in it. It sounds dumb but it is SO good and deranged.
This season is all about an asylum in the 1960s and all of the crazy stuff that goes on. New characters, new everything so you don't need to watch the first season to tune in tonight (although, I really reccomend is AMAZING)
You simply must. It's fantastically well written--drama, suspense, and horror show all in one beautifully crafted show. Ryan Murphy also did the show Nip/Tuck on FX years ago. It was also one of my favorites.
In Response to <a href="">Re: Anybody else watch American Horror Story</a>: [QUOTE]FI makes me watch it. I'm not into scary anything -- ladies, I couldn't sleep last night. The last image made me FREAK OUT! Posted by mpickl[/QUOTE]
GOD I KNOW! That was supposed to be Bloody Face, right? I wasn't feeling the whole alien thing this season but I know it won't dissapoint regardless. The previews look scary
In Response to <a href="">Re: Anybody else watch American Horror Story</a>: [QUOTE]In Response to Re: Anybody else watch American Horror Story : GOD I KNOW! That was supposed to be Bloody Face, right? Posted by elliemonster2012[/QUOTE]
<div>Right. It was the eyes that got me. Ugh. Gives me shivers. And what are the creatures being fed dead bodies?? Guys, this show is seriously deranged. </div>
In Response to <a href="">Re: Anybody else watch American Horror Story</a>: [QUOTE]In Response to Re: Anybody else watch American Horror Story : Right. It was the eyes that got me. Ugh. Gives me shivers. And what are the creatures being fed dead bodies?? Guys, this show is seriously deranged. Posted by mpickl[/QUOTE]
SO WEIRD! Something about the younger nun bugs me...hopefully that diminishes.
i finally watched the new episode last night and it did not disappoint!!!! i miss having Tate AS Tate tho!!! how was the person at the end bloodyface? i thought that Tate was bloodyface but it was really the aliens and not him??? i'm confused!
Love this show!! I am sad about Adam Levine's arm....What a nice arm...
I am not sure how this season is going to play out. I think the Asylum thing has been done but hopefully there will be some crazy twists other than "creepy doctor experimenting on patients". Not sure how the "aliens" are going to play into this.
I, actually, was really happy that the whole cast was changed from last season. What a way to keep it fresh. I will really miss all those characters but I like that TPTB are not afraid of the risk. So excited to see what happens!
Re: Anybody else watch American Horror Story
Also - if you have your DVR set to record the series, you have to go in and redo it! Since the title is different, DVR isn't picking it up so you have to re-record the series. I won't be hope til later tonight so I double checked it and found out it wasn't set to record.
***Sept 2013 Jan. Siggy Challange - Bouquet Inspiration!***
[QUOTE]I saw a post on my Facebook feed yesterday or the day before reminding me to set my DVR to record the new name. I just can't wrap my head around how this is going to play out being completely different characters. I thought Ryan Murphy was crazy when that was announced but I'm all for checking it out. I LOVED Tate last season so I'm really glad he and Jessica Lange are coming back.
Posted by GoofyAssChick[/QUOTE]
ME TOO! And let's not forget about the lovely addition that is Adam Levine.
<img id="il_fi" style="padding-right:8px;padding-top:8px;padding-bottom:8px;" src="" alt="" width="349" height="466" />
***Sept 2013 Jan. Siggy Challange - Bouquet Inspiration!***
[QUOTE]What is it about?
Posted by Jlp818[/QUOTE]
It. Is. Amazing.
Last season was all about this haunted house and a single family living in it. It sounds dumb but it is SO good and deranged.
This season is all about an asylum in the 1960s and all of the crazy stuff that goes on. New characters, new everything so you don't need to watch the first season to tune in tonight (although, I really reccomend is AMAZING)
***Sept 2013 Jan. Siggy Challange - Bouquet Inspiration!***
'Sounds entertaining
I'll have to check it out!
[QUOTE]FI makes me watch it. I'm not into scary anything -- ladies, I couldn't sleep last night. The last image made me FREAK OUT!
Posted by mpickl[/QUOTE]
GOD I KNOW! That was supposed to be Bloody Face, right? I wasn't feeling the whole alien thing this season but I know it won't dissapoint regardless. The previews look scary
***Sept 2013 Jan. Siggy Challange - Bouquet Inspiration!***
[QUOTE]In Response to Re: Anybody else watch American Horror Story : GOD I KNOW! That was supposed to be Bloody Face, right?
Posted by elliemonster2012[/QUOTE]
<div>Right. It was the eyes that got me. Ugh. Gives me shivers. And what are the creatures being fed dead bodies?? Guys, this show is seriously deranged. </div>
[QUOTE]In Response to Re: Anybody else watch American Horror Story : Right. It was the eyes that got me. Ugh. Gives me shivers. And what are the creatures being fed dead bodies?? Guys, this show is seriously deranged.
Posted by mpickl[/QUOTE]
SO WEIRD! Something about the younger nun bugs me...hopefully that diminishes.
***Sept 2013 Jan. Siggy Challange - Bouquet Inspiration!***
I am sad about Adam Levine's arm....What a nice arm...
I am not sure how this season is going to play out. I think the Asylum thing has been done but hopefully there will be some crazy twists other than "creepy doctor experimenting on patients". Not sure how the "aliens" are going to play into this.
I, actually, was really happy that the whole cast was changed from last season. What a way to keep it fresh. I will really miss all those characters but I like that TPTB are not afraid of the risk. So excited to see what happens!