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Reception options

so my wedding plans are underway, i am getting married October 9th 2011 my ENTIRE family knows about cousin got engaged (my cousin is the groom) we were really happy for him called him and congratulated him and his father took the liberty of just pointing out that me and my fiance picked out our wedding date already and that we couldnt wait to see them all there.....yesterday i got hit with a HUGE blow my cousins fiance booked their wedding October 8th 2011....i am crushed...lucky for me the hall fell threw and i am still looking for a place to have the reception so nothing is set in stone except for the deposit i had to leave for our wedding date with our church....i dont want to change my wedding date, is that me being stubborn? or am i somewhat right in this? becuase of the weddings being back to back like this i am at a loss for the halls now becuase i need a minimum and i know that i will not be able to fulfill it...what are some reception options other than having it at a hall...i am looking into something different like an art gallery etc, it needs to be resonable as far as the price goes.if anyone has any advice it would be greatly appreciated!

Re: Reception options

  • tychandlertychandler member
    edited December 2011
    I know you may have your heart set on a certain date, but the venues sort of choose the dates for you.  I started checking venues back in June for next year and was surprised to find that many had very few options even a year out.  I ended up going with August 20th because it was available, though I initially wanted to get married in June.  So keep that in mind you may need to have some flexibility if you want a venue that is the right fiit for you and your fiance.

    I am getting married at Terrace on the Park in Flushing, I am having 200 guests so finding venues that could accomodate became an issue.  Though I liked the Boat House and Prospect Park and the Brooklyn Academy of Music, they were just too small. So the size of your wedding matters a lot
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  • edited December 2011
    May this is sign,,,,because October is in the peak of wedding season...Good luck
  • marisa17marisa17 member
    edited December 2011
    Have you ordered anything else that has your wedding date? I wouldn't change it because of your cousin's wedding date, but, I would also expect that not everyone could come. Are you and your cousin/hisFI close? If you are, maybe ask her if she has booked anything for sure? Do you have the same guests?

    What is your budget or how many guests do you have? PM me if need be, I just booked at a great place in Throgs Neck Bronx and it was affordable.
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  • jayjoejayjoe member
    edited December 2011
    Although i cannot help you with the reception part, i think you do have a right to be annoyed with your cousin. If i was in your famly and a guest i'd be annoyed that i now had two weddings back to back (i make it a point, unless very distant, to attend all family affairs. we get smaller each year and its the one time we all get together anymore, sadly) : two dresses, two days of my weekend taken up, two gifts, etc. As a bride I'd be annoyed because you are now putting certain family members in the akward situation of possibly having to choose. So he screwed you guys and some family members. I'd be annoyed all around. Also, i hung out and relaxed, had dinner with my fiance and did tip envelopes the night before my wedding. Will your cousin and his fiance be able to even attend yours?  If i were you, i'd be sending out save the dates now ;)
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  • MrsKocalMrsKocal member
    edited December 2011
    you should definitely be annoyed but I think you should change the date to avoid the sress and drama that you know will follow - familiy members who can only go to one wedding,  people who have to miss your rehearsal to go to cousin's wedding, etc.  A similar thing happened with two of my friends, and it wasn't even that close - one friend booked her wedding for October two years in advance, the other friend go engaged a year later and booked hers for the month before.  These were just friends, and there was a month in between, and there was stil drama because we had showers and bachelorette parties, and we all couldn't afford to do everything.

    So, since nothing is set in stone yet, change the date so you don't have to deal with it.
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  • edited December 2011
    thank you all for giving me advice i could not believe this happened. luckily me and my fiance have not yet done anything as far as bookings and what not which is good just in case we do want to change the date (which i really dont want to) we had a reason why we picked this date our best man is jewish and anything before or after is running into a jewish and my cousin are not really close but his parents and my parents are...we already told them that my wedding was set for the nineth and they assured me and my parents that they were not going to be getting married anytime near that....and as far as the guests go i want to downsize now becuase we did have about 50+ guests that are the same...2 of which are my parents are not being invited to their engagement party but they are invited to mine...its like they are doing it out of spite? all i know is if we invite them i feel like they would not show up and to have my father pay for 175 people and only like 125 show up i would be crushed. so i think finding a venue that will accomidate me and my issue would be the best bet!
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