Second Weddings

Ouch ... a.k.a. "I haz a sad"

This isn't even a rant / vent ... just a small spot of heart-aching that I can't seem to shake today.

FI has a close friend, who, upon hearing about our engagement, offered to be a groomsman.  That was great, and especially because FI (who is divorced) has been wrestling with asking groomsmen, in part because some of his still-close friends stood up for him for his first marriage (not this one, though).

FI called him recently with some wedding-y questions, and his friend seemed really thrown by the whole groomsman thing (even though he volunteered?!?) and said he needed to think about it.  Oooo - kay.  A few days later, FI gets a voicemail that says "I'm sorry ... we just love you both and I can't do it."

Huh?  What?  FI, of course, was hurt and embarrassed by this, and it hurt my heart to see him hurting and not be able to do a blessed thing about it (and, to be honest, struggling a bit myself with feeling like a causal factor).  I know divorces are hard on those who know both parties, and I'm respectful of that.  I know people have differing views on divorce and remarriage, esp. within our faith circles and I respect that, too.  What I don't respect is going back on your word or giving it loosely in the first place.  And FI wasn't asking him to "take sides" regarding the past ... he was asking for a friend's support as he moved into the future.

A lot of the dust has settled from this now:  we had an already-scheduled meeting with our officiant and were able to talk it over with him and he reiterated the support and blessing of the elders of the church on our marriage.  FI called and talked to his BIL (and childhood friend) who "wholeheartedly" agreed to be groomsman, which has freed FI up to ask the other friends he had in mind.  We had our final talk-through of the guest list today, though, and decided not to invite the "ex-groomsman" and his wife -- not in retaliation, but because we only want guests/witnesses who are supportive of us and our relationship (we didn't do save-the-dates, so no problem there).

I don't think it has the friendship-ending potential that it could have among female friends (re-evaluating, yes; ending, doubtful).  But it's just sad.  It's oddly similar to the sadness I felt the other day reading a thread on the E board where a bride was being told that a shower wouldn't be "appropriate" for her second wedding.  Why not???  For Pete's sake, why not?  It's just so darn sad that people can't ... I don't even know how to articulate it?

 And I'm not sure why the "sadz" in it have gotten me so strongly today, over a week later.  Oh well ... thank you for letting me bleed a little.

Re: Ouch ... a.k.a. "I haz a sad"

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    Oh I'm sorry. Sometimes people just suck, you know? I don't know why some people act like they have to "choose a side". Can't we just be happy for everyone? 

    And, I agree with you on that thread on E. I saw that too, but I try to stay out of things there mostly. I had a shower last weekend and it was lovely, especially since I never had one the first time. I've been to plenty of second time around showers. I just like to celebrate with people I guess!
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    I think your decision to not invite is right on the money.
    I'll be honest...I don't know that I could have been that nice about it. That being said...ex and I had a very amicable D, and 2 he is already remarried so anyone that takes issue with it in my mind has their energies directed in the wrong path LOL

    Anyway, I am so thankful for this little niche board here on TK, I've said it before and I'll say it again.  I find it interesting that people are so judgemental, thing I know baout life, being a mom of 8 kids, and now a divorce of over 18 years of marriage...people who think they write the rules for others lives, typically have their own issues that could be judged, they just hide them VERY well ;)

    I would love to have a shower...I know no one will throw me one though LOL but thats ok.

    Sorry you and FI went through that with a groomsman though, but glad you were able to work around it.
    Christie + Chad ~June 8, 2013~
     CPT & mama to 9 kids, one SIL & a grandbaby girl!
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    I hear you, and don't think I would extend the invite either. You're right - you and your FI have every right to be surrounded by people who love AND support you. Don't settle for less.

    People certainly do have funny ideas around second weddings.
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    It is sad, and though I certainly tend to overthink things - the root of it is that if they 'love both' of them, then they can celebrate with each of them. In my case, my ex and I had no mutual friends. He had buddies, I had my family. So when we divorced, he still had buddies and I still had family and there was no issue or worry that anyone took sides.

    I hope it helped to have the reassurance from your officiant, and a chance to unload here. As much as we need to find our own peace and acceptance and happiness - the truth is I found it really helpful to be here and know that I'm not the only one that fought these tendencies of shorting myself!
    ~~Mendi~~ ...Everyone has their price; mine's chocolate Photobucket
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    Thank you to all who replied -- it truly has helped to have a place like this to share and get feedback/reassurance.

    I knew we would run into mixed reactions, just didn't expect it from that direction.  It's ultimately his/their issue, though, so we will accept the decision, go on and be fabulously happy on the path God has laid before us!
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     I totally understand where you are coming from because the lack of support can be very upsetting. My FI has a couple good friends who have not congratulated us at all and don't seem to even acknowledge that we are getting married. I get really upset on his behalf... why cant they just tell him congrats??? UGH. I have always been super nice to them, and I have known them for a very long time. So I dont know what their problem is. ANYWAY, just try not to let them bother you... Only invite people to your wedding who are happy to be there in support of both of you and want to share in your special day. If someone doesn't care or is unsupportive... they don't need to come! That is how I narrowed down my guest list! ;)
    ~Happy Wife.... Happy Life~
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