I know a lot of you ladies have heard about the Jen Macpherson/Amanda Williams debacle...I too experienced it first hand.
I hope that everyone who re-booked with Jen is satisfied, I truly do, because wedding pictures are so important.
I should let you know that when this was all first going down back in February...I was three weeks away from my wedding. I couldn't get ahold of Jen, she wasn't returning emails, calls...NOTHING.
I finally reached out to Amanda Williams, who informed me that she had not been able to get ahold of Jen either.
And ladies, Jen never called, never emailed, and never contacted...she simply didn't show up to our wedding.
Beware...I don't think it's a matter of Jen and Amanda having issues. I know myself and numerous other people I recommended her to have had trouble getting in contact with Jen and receiving pictures. Some people didn't even receive their wedding photos.
I just say beware. Amanda Williams is being incredibly gracious to let people out of their contract given that she has alternates available.
I wouldn't trust Jen with my wedding photography and certainly not anyone I know, even if she did decide to go out on her own. It really doesn't say much to her character that she bailed out not only on me, but other brides... and on top of that, Amanda Williams Photography and especially Amanda Williams herself.