Snarky Brides

Horrible Roommate... rant

We have the roommate from hell... she's dirty to the point of being grossly unhygenic (one month when she had her period, she left big fat blood droplets all over the bathroom floor/bathmat... almost made me vomit, and I'm a nurse...), she NEVER pitches in for household items, and even went so far as to tell us to stop having sex in the house because she's offended that we're having sex before marriage... (SERIOUSLY!! WHAT THE &*%#) ... but we've had enough. 

This month she gave us a cheque for her share of the bills, and I found out yesterday that the cheque bounced, and took a $40 fee from MY money as a result. We confronted her and she said she must have not had enough money to cover it (we only deposited it maybe 3 days after she gave it to us), so we told her she had to pay the money in cash before 31st plus the 40$ fee. She freaked out. I got a formal letter from my bank with the cheque attached and the letter said that she had put a stop payment order on the cheque. I called my bank to confirm this, and she did indeed put a stop order on the cheque. So she lied. 
When I confronted her with this, she freaked out again, said she put a stop payment because she thought the amount she had to pay was excessive ($100 for both hydro and gas, in the winter/spring months... she also does laundry 5 times a week, and takes 30 minute showers, all our water is heated by gas... seriously? what did you think would happen?) 

Luckily for me my mother works at a top law firm in our city, and therefore I have an unlimited amount of free legal advice. She's so toast... evicting her tonight... yayyyyyyy. 
Rant over:)
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Re: Horrible Roommate... rant

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    I agree with Duds. I don't think you can just kick someone out, right? They need at least 2 weeks to find a new place. No?
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    In BC, we have the Residential Tenancy Act, and according to the RTA, because she has never signed onto our lease, or had any contact with our landlord to sign on to our lease, or has not signed a formal agreement with us, she is considered an occupant and not a tenant, and because she is an occupant, we can legally ask her to leave whenever we like. 
    However, she has no family or friends in the area, she's new here, so we're giving her the courtesy of giving her 30 days notice. We're taking the bill money out of her damage deposit. 
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    Ew ew ew ew the period thing makes me want to vomit.  I couldn't imagine leaving a mess even when I lived on my own. YUCK. She sounds like she has serious entitlement issues and like she's going to be a serious PITA once she gets the eviction notice. I'd keep an eye on any valuables you own and put aside anything breakable.
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    Tell me about it Elle! I'm a nurse and I almost harfed it!! And when I asked her to clean it up she was like "Oh, that..." Like she knew she'd done it and didn't clean it up! GROSS. We've already installed a lock on our bedroom door and put anything of value in there whenever we're out of the house. I have a feeling she's probably going to flip out when we evict her, but too bad. If you want to be a disgusting slob then live on your own!
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    bongebonge member
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    that's gross. Good thing she is an occupant & not a tenant, it is hell to do, also a good thing she has no kids, it is virtually impossible to evict someone with kids, you have to go through major steps in order to do so. I know someone who wanted to sell her house but couldn't because of this.

    Post a f/u later. 
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    RSVP Date: 6/1/2012
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    ...big fat blood droplets... gah, wish I didn't just read this after eating supper... blech..

    Good luck with getting her out!
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    Wow, she sounds fun to live with.  

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    My old roommate left a bloody mess in our shared bathroom once. She was also having sex with our male roommate whose girlfriend lived with us too. Those were some fun times. 
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    Gross... sounds awful. I had a similar roommate in college, unfortunately I had to wait it out til the lease was up.
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    Which is why I'm SO glad we didn't have her sign onto the lease like our last roommate, who was awesome. 
    We actually just noticed this morning that a lot of our belongings were missing. Coats, shoes, books, and even our Wii console! My FI knocked on her door to ask her about them, and when she opened her door you could see all our stuff behind her in the corner of her room... needless to say, she's packing her stuff as we speak! Excuse me while I do a happy dance. 
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    HURRAY!!!! She's gone!!!! She sent us a text this afternoon TELLING us that she would only pay her rent by cheque and would only give us $30 for her share of bills because according to her, that was what she agreed upon when she moved in... not so much. We told her that was the average of each utility per month, but it was agreed that she would pay 1/3 of the utilities. This was after she tried to lie and tell me that my FI made her sign a tenant agreement/contract... yeah, no such thing ever took place. So we told her we would not accept a cheque, only cash, and we were home tonight and next thing we know someone is knocking on the door saying they're here to help her move out. She was gone in 5 minutes. Went into the room, garbage EVERYWHERE. And a blood stain the size of Texas on the mattress... seriously, has this girl never heard of tampons/pads/diva cups? Ech.... now excuse me while I go do my happy dance:)
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    if she actually gives you bill money i would use that to hire a cleaning crew to clean the garbage in her room.  since only God know what else she left behind besides the gross blood stain.

    but yay!!  terrible roommate gone!
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