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Dress Dilemma

My fiance and I attended a wedding for a friend this weekend. The new bride to be shared little details about each other weddings. When I showed her in March a dress that I had found she made the comment that it looked alot like her dress. In the mean time I had changed my mind on manufactures and we never shared what they looked like. Well this weekend... as the bride made her appearance in the door way my heart dropped. It was the same exact dress. Hers was cream... mine is white. I feel like this has ruined it. My fiance has a good memory what if he realizes it looks the same? Should I let it bother me? They will be invited to our wedding... do I make a funny joke out of it in the meantime? HELP! Any advice is much appreciated!

Re: Dress Dilemma

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    I would just leave it be.  It does suck..I wouldn't even chose the same BM dresses as one of my friends, but you each get your own day and can choose whatever you want.  The fact that she knew which dress you chose and then got the same one without telling you, does seem odd to me.  Maybe she forgot?  Anyhow, I would just take it was a compliment that you have great taste!  Try to put it out of your mind.  I highly doubt your FI will remember what her dress looked like.  However, I guarentee he will remember how you look on your wedding day!  :)  Where are you getting married?  We are both from the burgh!!
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    I'd leave it be.  Two people can look totally different in dresses.

    When I saw the picture of the dress SIL wore, I thought it was pretty but when it was on her, it was NOTHING like the picture.

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    As I understand it, neither of you knew that you ended up buying the same dress, correct?  If that's the case, then I think you can still happily wear the dress.  Did you tell FI about it?  If not, don't worry about it.  Tell the friend if you want or if you're worried that she is going to think you "copied" her.  As long as you and this friend are not idential twins, I'm sure your dress will look just as fantastic on you as her dress did on her.  Look at it this way, you both have great taste!
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
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    You have over a year until your wedding. I promise you, your FI is not going to immediately think, Hey! That's Jane's dress from last year! He BETTER immediately think, that's my beautiful bride that I get to marry. :)

    Don't let it bug you. It obviously was just one of those random things and nothing to get worked up over.
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    We both bought our dresses around the same time but never knew what each other was getting. When I showed her the picture of the potential dress she already had hers. The dress i finally chose was similar to the picture I showed her but ends up being the same exact thing.
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    So, she already had hers. Why are you upset? Sounds to me like you bought the same dress after she did, not the other way around. If I'm understanding this correctly. If you knew she had already bought, said it looked a lot like hers, then you don't really have any right to be so freaked.
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    Ok Everyone is getting this mixed up. We bought our dresses at the same time. Neither of us saw one another dresses. It's just a case of we have the same taste and happened to get the same dress.
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    PS. she saw an "idea" picture of one that I was looking at that is very similar to the one we both picked out. But again, neither of us realized we bought the same dress.
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    EVERYONE looks different in dresses. FI will still be astounded by your beauty, and you'll still feel beautiful!

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    Ask any of her guests to describe what her dress looked like.  if you can find more than five who can get past "long and white," I'll personally buy you a drink.  (Women planning their own weddings don't count.)  I really, really think you're overestimating how much attention people pay to that sort of thing. 
    This is a neglected planning bio.
    This is a belated married bio, with no reviews yet because I'm lazy.

    Sometimes I feel like people think that brides are delicate little flower princesses who get all dressed up and pretty for one special moment of their dreams, when really they're just normal people who just happen to be getting married. Things shouldn't have to be sugar-coated for grown-ass women. -mstar284
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    Everyone looks different in dresses.  I look NOTHING like the model that wears my dress, but I still like the way I look in it.  I'm sure no one will really notice that they are the same, especially since they are different colors!
    09.10 Siggy Challenge
    PhotobucketMy favorite picture is of the night we got engaged!
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    I wouldn't let it bother you. If your FI notices on your wedding day (which I doubt he will) so be it. I am sure you will look beautiful in it and he probably won't even notice. At least they are different colors. Once you have your hair and makeup done, etc no one will even notice. There are plenty of brides that have the same dresses as other brides, some are just really popular. If you love it, I don't see any point in buying a new one.
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    My fiance has a great memory however I could ask him what the bride's dress looked like from the wedding we were at 2 weeks ago, and he would have no idea. You may be overestimating just how close he paid attention to another woman's wedding dress. When he first sees you in your dress, as other posters said, I doubt that he'll be thinking anything other than "She looks gorgeous".
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    Thanks guys!
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