October 2012 Weddings

Meal Choices

Sorry for being a post-whore.

How are you indicating pre-selected meal choices on your escort cards?  I need to start doing mine and I'm stumped on how to do this.

Re: Meal Choices

  • My venue told us to put coloured stickers on the back of our escort cards (ie. Red = Beef, Yellow = Chicken, Green = Vegetarian and Blue = special needs). The DJ will make an anoucement for people to put their place cards backwards on their place setting when food is brought out.
  • I'm doing stamps that are on the name card which will be at the table. 

    Steak gets a squirrel stamp, chicken gets an acorn and vegetarian gets a leaf.  Perhaps you could do that?  Another option is color coding the name cards, napkin ties etc.

    Hope this helps!
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  • We are using leaf stamps.  Red ink for steak, yellow ink for chicken, and green ink for crab cakes.
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  • We are doing stamps, but they are entree choices, so a cow for beef, carrot for veg., etc

  • We made the same place cards for everyone, but printed in different colors to indicate meal (navy = filet, tangerine = chicken, green = vegetarian).

    I'm over the DIY projects, so we went with a simple solution, since the cards will be tossed anyway. :)
  • I wanted a different coloured leaf sticker for each choice but my fiance wants to make a leaf stencil for each...unlikley!  so we will end up going with the stickers:)

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