
weight watchers

Has any of you ladies tried weight watchers? If so how'd it work for you. Was it successful?
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Re: weight watchers

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    I lost 65 pounds on WW when I was in undergrad.  It works if you commit to it and follow the rules, but now that I've gained the weight back and know how WW works, I find I can manipulate it too easily. 
    It is healthy and a sound program, though, if you stick to it.  Good luck.  :)
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    Ditto Next. I too lost 65 lbs when I was in undergrad. I graduated and moved home to a house full of unhealthy stuff.

    I just in the last month got into my own place. I'm trying to be more mindful about what I cook, but if you're in the right mindset to lose weight, and are willing to follow the rules, WW is a great program. I'm trying to get back to more of my WW sensibilities in terms of what and how much I eat, but DH and I can't afford subscriptions right now. Maybe a bit in the future.

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    Is under grad part of the program? Me and one of my bm will be starting in May. Hoping to lose around 3040 lbs in about 7 months. Do you guys think that's do able or no?
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    I've been on WW since July and have lost 45lbs. While I follow the plan faithfully during the week I allow myself to induldge on the weekends, which is why I could have probably lost more by now, but I figure slow and steady wins the race! I recommend it as I find it a great program to follow.
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    Thanks. Me n my bm will be starting in May my wedding is April 2014 so ill have about 10 months to lose. Even a little will be a plus..
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    Instead of paying, you could always try something free like

    it's the same concept of tracking food, just more literal (counting calories versus points)
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    Both WW and myfitnesspal can work if you follow them diligently. The point of both is to balance your calories in vs. calories out. They can both help teach you good eating habits, provide support, and accountability, but you can cheat on any program and you can sabotage yourself anytime! 

    I did WW when I was in college (sound familiar?) and did lose a lot of weight (~40 lb) and kept it off for several years, but I'm in my 30s now and my body has changed. I still eat better from all the tools i learned in WW. I eat salads SEVERAL times a week, I do pilates several times a week, I walk every day, I eat lean meats, etc etc etc. I learned all that stuff in WW. I'm grateful still for that, and my body looks great, just not quite as small as at 21!
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    Hahaha, undergrad isn't part of the program. That just seems to be a running trend of when some of us were on it. It's significant for me because I was 100% in control of my food at that point. Made following the program insanely easier.
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    I tried weight watchers, hcg, green coffee, B12 pills, anything that ppl said works or could potentially work..i did it.  And welllll it didn't or rather it did for a second to get a few lbs off..then it was alll back on.  I eventually ended up at 232.  Recently our local grocery store chain HEB Pantry...started taking applications for it's Slim Down Showdown the Biggest Looser but more realistic only go through camp for a week and you have to incorporate what you learn back into your regular life like NOW.. vs. 3 months for now.

    Anyway long story short, with the information and education they provided me..i was able to alter my diet understand what I was doing wrong and needed to do better..workout at least 3 times a week for like 30minutes...(nothing stressful, just walking or something). ..and since Jan. 12th. I've lost 21lbs...most of it was lost within my 1st week.

    So now as part of my responsibility in being in this contest (i was 1 in 25 contestants selected out of over 500+ applicants). We try to spread the word about health, fitness, whatever we think can help other ppl become the healthier or sexier them...

    Anyway..hope it doesn't sound cheesy...but here's my blog   <font face="Times New Roman" size="3" color="#000000"> </font><p style="margin:0in 0in 0pt;" class="MsoNormal"><strong><em><span style="color:#632423;font-family:'Garamond','serif';font-size:10pt;">Follow Me To Fitness and Improved Health… </span></em></strong><strong><em><span style="color:#31849b;font-family:'Garamond','serif';font-size:10pt;"><a href="" rel="nofollow"></a></span></em></strong><strong><em><span style="color:#632423;font-family:'Garamond','serif';font-size:10pt;"><span>  </span></span></em></strong><strong><em><span style="color:#632423;font-family:'Garamond','serif';font-size:10pt;">Your Involvement and One Click Equals One Vote towards Me Becoming HEB’s 2013 Slim Down Showdown Winner.</span></em></strong></p><font face="Times New Roman" size="3" color="#000000"> </font>
    Also, i use to track my meals and understand what i'm doing and not doing when it comes to my food, water, and fitness consumption.

    No, I'm not dieting I'm being mindful of what i put into my body.  Yes, I do still eat a burger here in there..but it's grilled vs fried....Yes i may have a dessert or some fries but it's in moderation.<img src="" border="0" alt="Laughing" title="Laughing" />.  It's not about denying it's about being creative and being mindful.

    Hope that helps

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    [QUOTE]Has any of you ladies tried weight watchers? If so how'd it work for you. Was it successful?
    Posted by jessi3617[/QUOTE]
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    I really feel like Weight Watchers teaches a way to eat that can be permanent. I find vaue in the fundamentals of the program and currently follow it. About a year ago, I lost over 20 lbs. Then, I gained about 25 lbs back and now I'm on it again and down 20 lbs since Dec 31st and still going.

    Weight loss is a struggle regardless of what you do, maintenance is part of that struggle. It's a lot of work to retrain your body and habits and state of mind so I understand why I gained weight and why PPs did also.

    I'm very committed overall, I lose between .2 and 3 lbs a week and I can fit it into my life easily. Some weeks I have perfect eating weeks, very healthy and I work out....other weeks, I had a lot of social events and I lose .2 because I ate out so much or went to parties. Overall, I'm okay with the .2 loss because 1) it's a loss and 2) I know that I made much better choices during the nights out than I would've in the past.

    I currently feel very empowered over my life and my body. I want to lose 20 lbs by my wedding in October and i think thats a very reasonable goal. I'll still have another 40 to go after that to reach goal.

    FI does it with me and that help a lot.

    You'll never be subject to a cash bar, gap, potluck wedding, or b-list if you marry a Muppet Overlord.
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