Just Engaged and Proposals

How to tell people that there was no proposal?

My FI had me pick out my E-ring for my birthday (gorgeous) and I was there when it arrived.  Since I picked it out and saw it when it got it, of course I just put it on and we consider ourselves engaged!  Not a surprise or very traditional but we have been dating for over 5 years and it just fit in with our casual take on marriage.  


Everyone asks "how did he ask?' , "what was your proposal like?".  Its a little embaressing to admit that i just picked out my ring and put it on.  What are some suggestions to tell people when they ask about the proposal?  I"d like to tell people something heartwarming and true but at the same time romantic as well.


Re: How to tell people that there was no proposal?

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    Just tell them the truth.  It is heartwarming and romantic as it is.  Our proposal was in the middle of the living room in front of the dogs...  To some, that may not have been romantic but it certainly was to me. 

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    If people ask, you just tell them that you both just decided you were ready to be engaged.  There's nothing wrong with that!  Own your situation :)
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    I agree with PPs.  For me it was in the kitchen, with me in my PJ's and microwaving ravioli.  It was to most amazing experience of my life.  I still get butterflies thinking about it.  But, there is no way that I can tell that story and impress anyone.
    It annoys me to no end that people want to hear about proposals.  I have noticed a trend though.  No one who has actually been proposed to has asked.  Only girls who are still waiting for prince charming.  I think they all think that every proposal is done with a sky-writer, champagne and caviar, and a dancing unicorn.  I just imply that it was amazing, look starry-eyed, and make sure that they get that it was something between he and I, and for he and I alone.  They'll understand someday.
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    What?  You didn't have a dancing unicorn?!?  Geez - even I had that.  :)

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    I would just tell people dont like surprises and that you chose the ring together so when it arrived it was official, done deal! :)
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    blush64blush64 member
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    Just tell them there was no official question asking. You were in love, you wanted to be together forever, you picked out a ring and that's everything.

    I don't have a big engagement story either. I know a few people who have amazing stories but that's not true for most people. And to be honest, it just doesn't matter.
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    I was on the floor wrapping christmas presents, and literally handed me a jewelry box. Not everyone has some super amazing story to tell, and frankly if you're getting married for the right reasons you don't need one. I'd just tell people that you decided together that it was time to take the next step, and just started telling people when you got the ring. No one needs to know anything else. Smile

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    What great responses (LMAO OuachitaTrixie)!  I am very happy with how we finally decided but its annoying when people expect a storybook tale.  In my opinion we already have it :).  

    p.s.: I love most of the guys responses to the news: "so he finally dropped the money" lol
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    I agree with everyone here, just say that you've decided to get married. There's no need for an over the top proposal. I got one, and I loved it, but I would have married him without it. 
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    My FI gave me a ring to tell me he loved me a month after we started dating.  It was a ring I saw in a store one day when we were shopping for jeans or something else pretty mundane.

    4 months later we knew we were meant to be together and we went out with friends around Thanksgiving.  We walked by a jewelry shop and I saw a ring I just knew I wanted for my engagement/wedding ring.  The next day we went to try it on.  That Feb we bought it and it had to be sized.  I was alone when it came back.  I put it on and that was that.

    However, when the ring was being sized and my other ring went in for its 6 month inspection we were sitting on the couch and he was messing with my label maker.  The ring had come back from its inspection and I didn't know it so he had it and made a label that asked me to marry him.  I tell people that's how we got engaged.

    I put the ring and label on my website so I do get the occasional "That's not the original ring" when they see my real engagement ring.  I just smile and say "He updated".
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    Oh and my parents were high school sweethearts.  My dad was in college 2 hours away and my mom was a single mother with me (they had me when they were in high school).  My dad called my mom and asked her over the phone.  My mom's version is something like

    Dad says "Hey I think we should get married"
    Mom says "Ok"

    LOL nothing romantic but 28 years later no one cares.
    ExerciseMilestone Wedding Countdown Ticker
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    The truth! We didn't have a proposal either. We decided together to get engaged, went to the shop together to have ME pick out a ring. Sure, he picked it up and held on to it until bedtime and gave it to me, but it wasn't...a proposal. It was just a goofy snark "will you marry me?"

    When people asked us our proposal story, I insisted there wasn't one, my cousin insisted those were the best stories. "Okay. Fine. We decided to get married, went to the store, picked out a ring and that's pretty much the history." He agreed that it wasn't much of a story.

    I wouldn't be embarrassed. Somehow that's how life flows!
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    jeslmjeslm member
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    In Response to <a href="http://forums.theknot.com/Sites/theknot/Pages/Main.aspx/wedding-boards_just-engaged-proposals_tell-people-there-proposal?plckFindPostKey=Cat:Wedding%20BoardsForum:683Discussion:f0b3a6bc-3167-4a34-a16b-3e729d12eaf4Post:7d678ebd-66ae-4099-b71c-5bb94c625efe">Re: How to tell people that there was no proposal?</a>:
    [QUOTE] I love most of the guys responses to the news: "so he finally dropped the money" lol
    Posted by turkeygills[/QUOTE]

    FI's guy friends' responses to our engagement: "You finally knocked her up!"  Couldn't have been further from the truth, but his friends are goons (in the best sort of way).  I'm very much looking forward to our bridal party :)
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    So much love out there!  These really are some of the best stories out there, I think.  LMAO, jeslm.  
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